Name: Clara Karpfors

Based in: Göteborg, Sweden

Occupation: HR manager

Get inspired by: Beautiful architecture

Instagram: @thevashionblogg


Hi Clara, we're so happy to welcome you to A Sustainable Closet! Tell us about yourself?

Thank you for having me! I am a value driven person with a strong sense of responsibility and a passion for being a positive energy in the world. I am 33 years old and have a bachelor's degree in human resources. I went vegan in 2015 for ethical reasons, something that truly changed my life for the better and opened my eyes to the world of sustainable fashion. 


What’s your relationship with clothes?

I have always had an interest in fashion and dressing up. I was not allowed to wear black or follow trends when I was young, something that made me stand out, not always in a good way. This, however, gave me style courage and I am not afraid to put my own, personal touch on things. I am a huge shoe person and have owned way too many shoes in the past. When learning more about the negative sides of fashion I have had to recreate my relationship to clothes. I still like fashion, but slower and more conscious. 


How would you describe your style?

I dress according to mood and season, so my style is ever changing. I would say there is a core of scandi-parisian in most of my outfits, though. Classics like jeans and a trenchcoat are staples in my closet. 


Any favorite items? 

I tend to fall in love with slightly oversized men’s vintage items, like my favourite trench coat. I also like headwear and love all my hats! 


Where do you find inspiration?

Instagram! I love finding new people and accounts to be inspired by. I also love to use a situation or a location to create an outfit, for example if I am going out for a coffee in the city with friends I dress according to that specific occasion. 


Do you have a style icon, if yes, who?

Right now, I have my eyes on everything Parisian chic. If I have to choose a person it would be Emilia de Poret, a Swedish fashion persona. 


Favorite stores and brands to shop from?

Second hand! I have learned to really like the hunt for unique treasures. I also appreciate small, sustainable brands where each item is made with love and care. My most recent buy was a beautiful organic cotton, crisp white shirt with puffy sleeves from eco and ethical brand lu-ciee

What is a sustainable closet for you?

That I use all my clothes over and over again and feel happy when wearing them. 


What do you think about the fashion industry in general? 

It’s beautiful and ugly at the same time. I find so much joy in clothes, but at the same time I can feel so put off when I think about the un-ethical practices behind most of it. 


What can one do that seeks to create a more sustainable closet?

Start with what you have. Clean out and organize your closet at least twice a year. Only keep clothes you like and want to wear. A seasonal wardrobe has really helped me keep track of everything, and it’s always a nice surprise to unpack the clothes from last year – they feel new all over again. 


Describe what fashion is for you, in three words:

Expression. Power. Creativeness. 


