Name: Frida Landbecker

Based in: Norrköping, Sweden 

Occupation:  Freelancer as a model, actor and writer

Get inspired by:  People who goes their own way, in life and style

Instagram: @fridalandbecker


Tell us about yourself and your interesting career?

I am 42 years old, married and have two children. I live in a house just outside Norrköping. A few years ago, I chose to invest wholeheartedly in my freelance as a model and actor. I work mostly in advertising but also with TV and film. For a short time now, I have also started freelancing as a writer.

Which actress project are you the most proud of and which one was the funniest to participate in? 

It is difficult to choose, each project has its own charm. One of the best things about this industry is all the amazing people I get to meet, whether you are an actor, runner, make-up artist, photographer or producer, you are an important part of the production. And everyone is fighting and working towards the same goal, that the end product should be as good as possible. 

I love the variety of being a model/actor. One day police, second day proper housewife and third day flirtatious girlfriend. But I am extra proud, and it feels good in my heart, to have been a part of two important commercials for the Swedish Work Environment Authority and the trade union Kommunal.

What’s your relationship with clothes?

For as long as I can remember, I have loved clothes, especially dressing up. And it's also magical to be able to change your appearance and expression with simple means, if only for a short while. So maybe it's not so strange that I chose the path I have done now, working in front of the camera, acting. 

For everyday I dress comfortably and easily.

How would you describe your style?

Minimalist. I thrive in stylish and stripped-down garments. I like when clothes are both stylish and comfortable.

Any favorite items? 

Jeans, t-shirt and cashmere (and lipstick- always).

Where do you find inspiration?

Instagram, Pinterest, movies

Do you have a style icon, if yes, who?

Oh, I have several. But Jeanette Friis Madsen is my number one. 

Favorite stores and brands to shop from?

When it comes to second hand, I like the Archive, Sellpy and Beyond Retro. If I choose to buy new, I like Arket and Carin Wester.

What is a sustainable closet for you?

In short, a sustainable wardrobe is a wardrobe with garments that are being used. Rather few garments that go on repeat than many garments that are rarely used.

What do you think about the fashion industry in general? 

The fast fashion industry has led to an increased consumption of clothing and as a result a huge environmental and social impact throughout the supply chain. A major change is necessary to reduce the fashion industry's environmental impact. There are many companies that work hard with sustainability and environmental issues, but there is still a lot to do. The biggest responsibility lies with politicians, but we can all do something. A start can be to buy second hand garments and use what we already have.

What can one do that seeks to create a more sustainable closet?

  • Use the clothes you already have in the wardrobe, if you are not happy with the garments you have in your wardrobe, do a wardrobe cleaning / activation. Find out what you like and use the most.

  • Supplement with garments if you need.

  • Another tip is to copy outfits from people whose style you like.


