Photo by @theatanhua

Name: Hanna Linnea Ryd

Based in: Gothenburg, Sweden

Occupation: Sustainable Fashion Designer and Up-cyclist of HURRA PANGPANG @hurrapangpang

Get inspired by: The leftovers from material overflow and old ladies

Instagram: @_hlryd_


Tell us about yourself? 

Recently graduated from The Swedish School of Textiles, loves sparkly things and lives to see the flip side of the circle.


What’s your relationship with clothes? 

It’s a passionate love affair filled with oysters and champagne. But on Tuesdays we cut each other’s toenails.


How would you describe your style? 

80’s cougar meets princess and give birth to an old lady. Contrasts, sporty meets prom and spins big city drama with tunes of western villains.

Any favorite items? 

Pointy boots, lighters, horse bits and old prom dresses.


Where do you find inspiration? 

If it gives you a giggle it's worth it, anywhere and everywhere. Usually among things, items and surplus.


Do you have a style icon, if yes, who? 

Edie Beale and Janes Mansfield´s bathroom.


Favorite stores and brands to shop from? 

Countryside flea markets and the dumpster behind one’s house.


What is a sustainable closet for you? 

To never stop using pieces in new contexts, really spend time hanging out with one’s garments - continue to wear them in new ways. Hear the storytelling behind one’s favorites and use that as a keepsake to feature.

What do you think about the fashion industry in general? 

We all need to change the way we consume and thereby dress. The fashion industry must take a bigger responsibility regarding the hype created for newly produced goods. The fashion industry is a great inspirational force but needs to change focus. What if we all appreciate and accept the worn and torn instead? How flirty and creative wouldn’t that be?! I do believe in the creative and fun in fashion but as everything that goes way to capitalistic, it gets angry and stops having fun without harming others.


What can one do that seeks to create a more sustainable closet? 

Understand that the garment you already have can be worn in new and somewhat unconventional ways, re-style and stop listening to everyone else. Wear what you want however you want it. Be experimental and have a lot of fun! Mend, repair and fix, sometimes duct tape or staple gun is good enough.


Describe what fashion is for you, in three words:

Feisty, flirty and fantastic


