A Sustainable Closet in 2020 - our first year

Photo by Reused Remade

Photo by Reused Remade

This year has been a difficult year for many. Even for businesses aiming to do good and create sustainable products and experiences related to fashion. Some have closed and didn’t made it throughout the year. Others have post-prone the launch and maybe a few digital experiences have been able to thrive.

This was the year A Sustainable Closet was launched properly. I, Sophie the founder, remember how I in January last year decided to create something helpful based on my interest for clothes and my expertise in sustainability. I couldn’t find any inspiring magazine or blog that talked about sustainable fashion, with true focus on sustainability. I couldn’t find any inspiring page where second hand came first hand. I wondered why there was no place to get in touch with all these inspring change makers and instagrammers? And why haven’t anyone mapped the whole regions best second hand stores and apps?

So I decided to do it myself. The problem was of course that I have no background in fashion, textiles, communication or creating a website for that matter. I had this vision of what I wanted A Sustainable Closet to be. I truly wanted to make it easy for people who enjoy clothes to get inspired and make good choices. So I have to learn how to build a website, I have to write my own blogpost, despite the fact that I’m dyslectic, and I have to search and find the most prominent voices on the matter.

Thankfully, I have received some help along the way. I have an amazing co-worker who’s going to be the producer of the upcoming Studio. I have a wonderful fashion student coordinating our Instagram and I’ve been having some help of a craftsperson who’s been writing several blogposts. My best friend is also a programmer and have been giving me plenty of advised when building a website or creating a start up.

Not to mention all the people who I have interviewed. Many of them have given good feedback and encouragement. I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed, shared or even read the content in this blog.

It’s been a wonderful journey and this is just the start.

In 2020 A Sustainable Closet have made:

  • 21 interviews with people we define as Change Makers. People from a diversity of backgrounds and fields, with a diversity of style and expressions that have shared their perspectives on what a sustainable closet is.

  • 11 interviews with stores that offers costumers rental services, second hand or more ethically produced clothes. Several of them are start ups, such as Cirqular, Hyper, Hack your Closet, Rerobe and Tise. They are eager to contribute to a massive change in the way we enjoy clothes.

  • 9 interviews with brands. These brands has put sustainability at the core of their business model. Several of them work with up-cycling such as Cornelia Sun, Reused Remade and Elvis & Kresse.

  • Published 71 blogposts since the launch in May 2020. Our posts has been about the sustainability issues related to the fashion industry, new ethical brand, inspiring change makers to follow, tips on movies and documentaries and ideas for outfits available second handed.

  • Mapped the best digital platform for pre-loved consumption in Sweden. There’re currently 19 ways to circulate fashion digitally in Sweden.

  • Mapped the best second hand and ethical stores in 5 Scandinavian cities such as Malmö, Lund, Gothenburg and Copenhagen. With the help of influencers such as Jeanbosco Nzubaba and Tess Waltenburg.

  • Reached 2500 monthly readers in average. This is done without any marketing, investment or team behind the platform.

What I’m looking forward to do is:

To create even better content and guidelines based on your needs.

To come up with solutions that truly makes our closets more sustainable.

To mapp whole Scandinavias sustainable stores.

To make more interviews and invite innovations and other start ups to our network.

To create physical events and gatherings.

To launch our stylebook with wonderful photographs.

To offer art and products that are truly sustainable.

And to develop the business in general. I truly believe dreams come true and this platform is going to be great one day, making huge service for people and the planet with an amazing team as a profitable business.

Sign up for Newsletter if you want to be invited to our first digital gathering. Can’t wait to see you.


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