Why Vintage?
Photo: Cesar la Rosa
Why be mainstream when you can be unique? On today’s fashion scene we can easily spot where a specific dress is from or you might even wear similar trousers as your bestie. This is most likely so called fast fashion, you see everyone wearing the same outfits. But it doesn’t have to be like this. If you’re into vintage or secondhand clothing, your wardrobe does probably not look like anyone else’s. Pre-loved fashion is for everyone, it might be difficult to find the great closet gems in the beginning though, but we can assure you that it won’t take long before you’re hooked - if you just give it a try!
What does vintage mean?
The term is derived from the Latin word for wine harvest. The original meaning refers to wine made from the year's grapes. The concept was developed to be about finer and older “vintage” wines. In modern parlance, the term is used for all sorts of older goods such as furniture, clothes and cars. How old should an object be to be called vintage? Opinions on this often differ but many agree that a vintage item should be at least 25 years old to be called vintage. Even if this border is not razor sharp, 00's design garments may have to wait a few years before they can be counted as genuine vintage. A generally accepted definition of vintage, however, is that the garment must be produced of a very high quality!
Photo: Les Anderson
Is buying vintage an investment?
As vintage clothing becomes more popular and demanded, the prices rise, so vintage can be a great investment for the future. For example, a good quality 1960's silk dress sold for around €40 - €50 five years ago would go for around €70-€80 today, quite an investment and a good incentive to look after and take care of your vintage finds. There’s no right or wrong answer to what an actual vintage investment is, that’s all up to you. Perhaps a Louis Vuitton bag or a cashmere sweater to care for year after year.
Better for mother Earth
It's way more eco-friendly than buying new produce. Who can argue with that? Recycling and re-using vintage clothing means you are not only doing your bit to help the earth by discouraging the production of more fast fashion, but you are also getting a much better quality, unique and individual wardrobe at a better price.
The quality
The high street chains will try to imitate, but you can't beat original vintage quality. The quality is much better than most high street items produced today, plus many of today's designs lack the originality and attention to detail which give a vintage garment it's charm and uniqueness.
Photo: Katarzyna Kos
10 good reasons to buy and wear vintage
1. Vintage clothing consumption prevents human exploitation
2. Vintage clothing prevents material waste
3. Vintage clothing prevents industrial pollution
4. Vintage clothing prevents land and water abuse
5. Vintage clothing prevents animal exploitation
6. Vintage clothing encourages creativity
7. Wearing vintage clothing engages with culture
8. Vintage clothing costs less money
9. Vintage clothing is nine out of ten times better made
10. Vintage clothing ensures unique style
But remember, if you love something, do not hesitate, every piece is unique, and if you don't snap it up there and then, it could be gone when you go back for it!