How to be a digital fashionista

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That the fashion industry has already been hit by digitalisation are no news. All sectors and all markets are more or less affected. To consider it good or bad depends on the circumstances. But just as an article by Roger Lay, the Digital Marketing Lead, Deloitte Digital Switzerland, puts it; consumers today don’t just want ot be a passive consumer, they want to interact and belong to a brand. They’re using brands digital channels and communities before and after a purchase. He also writes:

“There are no more typical consumer segments, no more geographies, and no more one-size-fits-all solutions”. Further; “It (digitalisation) will increasingly be fundamental to organisations and the entire consumer-brand relationship”.

During times like these, when whole societies get paralysed it seems like the long-spun death of retail stores has finally arrived. But one shouldn’t start to believe that people stop being interested in fashion and how they dress. Our outfits are not only shown at office, but also during digital meetings and in Instagram selfies from the couch in front of Netflix.

Someone who love clothes won’t be stopped by not being able to walk into a physical store. Probably more time will be spent on online consumption and platforms. More digital inspiration and maybe the economic uncertainties will create a huge demand for second hand and vintage! Now is the time to make your interest in fashion digital.

So if you Love Fashion and you want to keep your interest up during times like these, here are my suggestions:

  • Closet clean out. Yes! Now it’s time to do it. What do you really use and what leaves your closet? Can you donate digitally, post an Instagram charity for friends or store it until it’s time to drop them at a second hand store?

  • Find your Netflix-clothes! Do you have a closet suitable for relaxed days on the coach? Do your clothes feel convenient when working from home? Maybe you have underestimated how important a good-looking and comfortable pyjamas is!

  • Find your Teams-meeting outfit! Yup, I’m doing it myself. Sitting here in front of my computer in the same clothes I sleep in. Not really good in the long-run. Get up and dress well. Wear a colourful top that brings joy in life (and maybe keep the pyjama pants on as long your don’t have to stand up during digital meetings).

  • Explore new platforms for inspiration, exchange and trading. There are several apps and platforms out there where you can exchange clothes, buy second hand and vintage and now is the time to dig into to these platforms. Some of you might even be able to consume as long as the post office is open, others can save their favourites for better times. Maybe you can upload what you want to sell?

  • Have a digital party! That’s what my friend did! Her hair, makeup and clothes were styled and on, suitable for any party off the screen! Several households joined and we shared champagne, laughter and a music quiz digitally.

  • Read, learn and share. Pick a book or a documentary about the fashion industry. Ask yourself what you will change in your behaviour to become more environmentally friendly. Take a selfie and share on social media during #asustainablecloset

I hope you find these tips inspiring and please share yours in the comment field! There are so many things we can do by being digital and creative. Share and learn from each other.


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