Environmental benefits of reducing textile consumption with just 1 kg


In Sweden we consume 13 kilos textiles per person and year. Of these 13 kilos, 8 kilos end up in the bin! If we would just consume one kilo less per person and year the environmental benefits would be equal to the saving of:

  • 142 000 tons of carbon emissions (CO2e)

  • 25 600 ton chemicals

  • 600 millions of bathtubs of water

One kilo textiles is equivalent of four T-shirts.

There’s no secret that a reduction in consumption, and a regression of the economy as a whole, has a beneficial effect on the environment and the climate. However, one hopes that an extreme crisis, as the one we’re currently facing with Corona, do not happen and that our production of new clothes will decrease out of other reasons such as transformation of the fashion industry and our way of consuming clothes.

Stay safe and stay calm.

Source: Naturskyddsföreningen


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