New York Sustainable Fashion Week - an inclusive week for everyone

The founders Rick Davy and Bridgett Artise were tired of fashion weeks not addressing over consumption and over production of fast fashion. Further, they felt that high-end fashion weeks are not representative and do not present emerging brands and designers. They wanted to create a platform where everyone could join. This time through YouTube premiere. At this six days fashion week, the industry’s responsibility and problems were being discussed and the emerging sustainable fashion brands were shown.

A lot of the content is still available if you go to the Schedule. For example, The Launch from day 1 (third video above)! Day 1 starts with a beautiful musical opening and lovely content about up-cycling design.

Enjoy and embrace the new fashion world emerging.

The picture shown in the blog menu is from African London Fashion Week event happening on the 15th of september. Watch day 5.


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Em & May -Montreal-based locally produced clothing