Now you can find us on Instagram

Now you can find us on Instagram @a_sustianablecloset! We want to make it easy for anyone to enjoy fashion in a sustainable way. This is why we’re opening up an Instagram account so more people can find this platform and take part of it’s content. However, our main page for information will always be on this site. We find social media overcrowded and don’t want to contribute to a world where complex issues are overlooked by short messages. We really want our Instagram followers to enter here and read our interviews and blogpost to get inspired to take action. Our Instagram page is a good way for you to get updates about the latest interviews and post and don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter!

Together we’re creating change and contribute to a more sustainable way to enjoy clothing!


Leelanau clothing - an example of how to analyse a brands sustainability profile


New York Sustainable Fashion Week - an inclusive week for everyone