Name: Molly Rosenström Näsman

Based in: Stockholm, Sweden

Occupation: Songwriter at Starlab Publishing, Head of PR & Marketing at meforyou and digital content creator

Get inspired by: My friends, strangers who show kindness and sunsets

Instagram: @mollies

Why we love her: A cool, driven and very inspiring mom and sustainable influencer. Molly is a go-getter, she knows what she wants and does not hesitate to go the extra mile to reach her goals. That’s our impression of this talented Change Maker! 


Hi Molly, so nice to have you featured here on A Sustainable Closet today! Tell us about yourself?

I’m Molly, 22-years-old, a bubbly person with a passion for music, women’s rights, sustainable living and fashion. I’m also mom to Nate (soon to be 3-years-old). 


What’s your relationship with clothes and what made you change your shopping habits?

I used to buy clothes that were accessible and affordable and didn’t really think of it more than that. But sometimes in my early teens already I was very fortunate to be surrounded by people and friends with such good values and thoughts and I listened to them talking about the problematics when it comes to fast fashion and started soaking it all in and the more I listened and learned the more frustrated I got with the fact that we talk so little about how damaging fast fashion is and what it actually does to the planet. So I woke up and changed my habits. Now I’ve learned that you can be fashionable and conscious at the same time. I think my shopping through, do research on the brands before I make a purchase and look for second hand options.


How would you describe your style in 3 words?

Minimalistic, elegant and comfortable. 

Any favorite items in your wardrobe that you love and cherish a little extra?

I have a denim jacket that my mom bought as a teenager back in the 80’s and I cherish it a lot and it has been my favorite jacket for almost 10 years already. 


Where do you find inspiration?

My friends, people on the street, magazines and movies.


Do you have a style icon, if yes, who?

Not anyone specific, but every now and then I scroll Instagram for fashion inspiration and fall in love when I see someone whose closet I just want to live in.

Favorite stores/brands to shop from?

It goes very much in waves and right now it would be Filippa K that’s a big favorite in my closet. 

Do you also choose sustainable options for your son?

Yes!  And I think it’s so important to talk about the weight of sustainability from a young age already so it comes naturally. I hope I can pass on my values to him just by being a role model with my choices in everyday life, so I don’t have to be an annoying mom who tries to have a moral class every week haha. Mini Rodini is both mine and Nate’s favorite brand for him at the moment!


What do you think about the fashion industry in general?

I think it’s so sad to see how these unethical and unsustainable huge companies get to run their businesses as they do. The government should step in with some rules and guidelines. The fashion industry is the second largest polluter in the world and that has to be changed and can only be changed if people who are in a place to make important decisions, like for instance minimize fast fashion, will do it.


What can one do that seeks to create a more sustainable closet?

A fun and very simple thing is to whenever you feel like you don’t have anything to wear, instead of buying something new, do a closet swap with one of your friends! Borrow an outfit from them and let them borrow one of yours. This is such a fun and easy option rather than buying something new everytime you feel like you want to mix your outfits up! 


