Photo: Justine Leenarts
Name: Tess van Zalinge
Based in: Amsterdam
Occupation: Conscious Entrepreneur who expresses herself through fashion design
Get inspired by: Dutch Costume Wear
Instagram: @tessvanzalinge
Why we love her: A mega talent! Tess is insanely good at what she does and a true inspirer. She is not afraid to go the whole hog in order to create what comes to her mind. We love that she goes her own way and believes in what she does, because so do we!
Photo: Tess van Zalinge
Tell us about yourself and your profession?
I am a conscious entrepreneur that expresses creativity and sustainability through design. I created my label in 2016 to contribute consciously with my vision and perspective. With my demi-couture collections, I aim to share stories - memories - craftsmanship techniques and to preserve all that will be forgotten. Reliving and celebrating traditions of Dutch heritage and the local design culture. My designs combine handmade tailoring, unique craftsmanship, and architectural intimates reference to offer a contemporary take on femininity.
What’s your relationship with clothes?
I conceive my collections with a holistic and conscious approach, I use material from existing productions or old ‘unwanted' clothing. Circularity in my brand is applied through the upcycling technique, every waste in the atelier is reinvented in a new design. In the last collection, Patchwork, we used all the smallest textile leftovers to create new textile with the patchwork techniques.
How would you describe your style?
The aesthetic of my label dives deep into the archives of the dutch costume wear history and redefines its beauty with an eclectic and contemporary identity. Feminine tailoring, constructed intimates, and heritage-inspired unique pieces are key for my signature.
Photo: Justine Leenarts
Where do you find inspiration?
Nature and costume museums are the places where I get inspired, where every random detail becomes a source of inspiration. In these places, I can just free my mind and let myself be surrounded by pure sensations that lead me to develop my concepts and designs. In the costume museum, I love to dive into small technical details and traditions. I think more people should learn about craftsmanship and clothing, which are deeply rooted in Dutch history and culture.
Do you have a style icon, if yes, who?
Stella McCartney. She is an innovator who investigates and dive into details of new techniques and materials. I consider her a real pioneer.
Johannes Vermeer. He is the master of light. I made a dress with a print of one of his most known paintings: Girl with a Pearl Earring.
Photo: Justine Leenarts
Favorite stores and brands to shop from?
I love exploring the local and vintage markets around the city, in particular Laura Dols and Noordermarkt. In these places, you can find surprising vintage objects and designs, unexpected. It is always nice to be amazed by unique, interesting, and unconventional objects.
What is a sustainable closet for you?
I think the best way to have a sustainable wardrobe is to be aware of your shopping and take care of the clothing you already have. For the Fifteen collection, I used old ‘ unwanted ‘ wedding dresses and it was impressive to see the amount of all the wedding dresses. I think that the consumer is not simply the final component of the fashion chain. By changing shopping habits the consumer has the chance to ‘send a message' to the big fashion corporations.
Photo: Tess van Zalinge
What do you think about the fashion industry in general?
The fashion industry is evolving towards new horizons, this change is tangible and evident but like all changes it takes time. New production techniques, innovative materials, and digital fashion development are just some of the steps that are being taken. Fashion is a vehicle for sharing a message, and I think that designers - like me - have the responsibility to use this vehicle in a good and conscious way.
What is fashion to you in 3 words?
Collective, heritage, storytelling
Any advice for people who want to start their own business or get into the industry?
Consider first the reason that brings you to this decision, make your manifest and create a fixed list of your key principles and values.
Photo: Tess van Zalinge