Name: Maria Eklind

Occupation: hairdresser

Based in: a small village in the north of Sweden called Arjeplog

Instagram: @noppans_bryderier

Get inspired by: mostly fellow instagramer's. Like @yelloish, @northstyle.ish, @annacarin.abrahamsson, @fridasfynd and many many more!

Why we love her: We absolutely love how Maria has found her way to her dream closet. She is not afraid to mix and match and does it really well, which we find very inspiring. 

 Hi Maria, tell us about yourself, who are you?

I'm 48 years old, I live with my partner, two sons, a cat and a dog. I've been working as a hairdresser in my own little salon for about 8 years. Besides clothes, I love singing. I currently sing in a group called Norrsken, in a choir and as a solo singer. I'm a really happy go-lucky person with lots of energy, but who needs a lot of alone time to fill the energy-tank.


What’s your relationship with clothes?

I've always loved clothes. Became a bit confused though when I turned 40. I had so many do's and don’t's in my head. I thought I couldn't dress in certain ways because of my age. So then, for a long time, I just dressed in basic "boring" clothes and I didn’t have the confidence to "be different".


What made you skip buying fast fashion?

I guess I've always bought clothes second hand, more or less (with emphasis on less). But what really tipped the scale was when I found the accounts; circle of clothes and labels we love on Facebook. And through those groups I found their accounts on Instagram as well. And once I was there I found this wonderful community of strong, beautiful women who, many of them only bought second hand. I got so inspired by that. And I also learned a lot about how fast fashion is a big factor in destroying our environment and how awful the working conditions are for many people (mainly women) working in these factories.

 How would you describe your  style?

Such a good question! I'm not sure actually! My style has kind of materialized throughout the year and a half of the time I've had my Instagram account. And at this point i really like it! I guess it's a mix of some kind of streetstyle, with layers of different textures and unexpected combinations.


Any favourite items?

Since I'm a short gal, I love platform boots. Especially combining it with a tulle skirt or a dress. And I love my biker jacket, it looks good to everything in my opinion!


What’s your favourite store/brands to shop from?

 Since I don't shop in store's other than second hand stores, I must say no particular brands. When it comes to second hand stores i love PMU (specially the one in Piteå).


What is a sustainable closet in your opinion?

To me it means to let your clothes circulate. And of course to take care of and use the clothes you have.


What can one do who seeks to create a sustainable closet and lifestyle?

Just start with one thing. As I see it and what has increased my way of thinking more sustainable, is to just start somewhere. That creates a ripple effect to other aspects of your life. Often I think, people get overwhelmed with just the idea of being sustainable. Because it's so much you know! But I really think that the way to go is to start small and then just take it from there. 


Do you have any style icons?

No, not really. 


