Based in: Gothenburg
Occupation: Studying to become a teacher in Swedish as second language
Get inspired by: Generally - people who care about other people, people who care about the planet, people who are grateful for the small things. When it comes to clothes, I get inspired by movies that take place somewhere between 1930-1960, because I love the clothes from these decades.
Why we love her: Hanna or also called fyndigahanna on Instagram portraits a blessing for the eye feed. She mixes sustainable fashion, second hand first and vintage interior and puts her own touch to it - it looks lovely and she’s very inspiring. Take a look yourselves @fyndigahanna
Tell us about yourself?
I am a 27-year old woman from the middle of Sweden (Dalarna) who now lives in Gothenburg. I’m studying to become a teacher and I have one year left of my education. I have a big interest for music (singing), theatre and dance which are things that I’ve studied earlier. I’m the youngest of three siblings and I have five nephews! I love the author Astrid Lindgren and I also love to speak with and listen to older people. I´ve always loved to watch "old movies" with "old fashion" and over the past year, I've felt like I've found my style more and more. I started my Instagram account a little more than a year ago and I hope that I can get more people inspired to shop second hand and vintage, use what they already have and not become victims of the fast fashion industry.
What’s your relationship with clothes?
I’ve always loved clothes and I’ve always wanted my own style. When I was younger I only dreamed of it, but the older I've gotten the more I dare to dress the way I want. I come from a small village where it was impossible not to stand out if you dressed differently, and at a certain age, it's quite difficult to stand out if it’s because of something that isn’t considered sufficiently normative or cool. But nowadays I always dress exactly the way I want (almost anyway) and I think a lot of that comes down to all the positive comments and reactions that I get from my Instagram followers at fyndigahanna. AND that I now live in a bigger city! (I also lived in Stockholm before Gothenburg).
“I´ve always loved to watch “old movies” with “old fashion” and over the past year, I’ve felt like I’ve found my style more and more.”
How would you describe your style?
This was a hard one! But I think I would describe it as pretty romantic with vibes from the fifties, sixties, eighties and nineties! I mix different styles. But I think my style is very "clean". I don't like to mix too many colours! I would also say that my style is pretty elegant and consistent. And often very cute with flowers and stuff. I also like the colour red, and that is a kind of cute and romantic colour. Fun fact is that I have been wearing red lipstick almost every day since I was 16 years old. I don't understand how my lips are still there.
Any favourite items?
I like berets. I have like six of them in different colours. I also like jackets and long flowery dresses and skirts in the summer.
How would you describe your closet?
I would say I have a lot of clothes, but I use all of it. I have a lot of high waisted pants and a lot of knitted sweaters. I also have a lot of cute blouses. However, I think that I have a lot of space because I take away the summer clothes when it's getting colder and vice versa.
“I think I would describe it as pretty romantic with vibes from the fifties, sixties, eighties and nineties!”
Where do you find inspiration?
I find inspiration on Instagram and in movies & series!
Do you have a style icon, if yes, who?
Yes I have! The movie character "Nina Löwander" in the Swedish series "Vår tid är nu" and the movie character "Puck" in the Maria Lang-series.
What is a sustainable closet for you?
A sustainable closet for me is to take care of what you have. That's the way I think of everything and I think I got it from my mum. She always makes delicious dinners out of "nothing"! Take care of what you have and also buy things that you know that you will have for a long time and take care of. It means to recycle and fix what has been broken. It also means sustainable for those who have sewn your clothes and sustainable for the earth. It does not mean being shipped all over the world, Inhuman payment and conditions for the textile workers and clothing quality that is not sustainable. Vintage clothes have held for decades and aint a part of the fast fashion industry that we have now. That’s sustainable for me, and nowadays I always go to the vintage-sections of the thrift shop stores when looking for "new" clothes. It's also fantastic and sustainable because it's timeless.
“Take care of what you have and also buy things that you know that you will have for a long time and take care of. A Sustainable Closet also means to recycle and fix what has been broken.”
What can one do that seeks to create a more sustainable closet?
Follow more second hand influencers on Instagram to get inspired (that worked for me!), learn how to shop second hand, it takes time, so give it time! Think before you buy, always. And before you buy (for example) new/second hand-new pants because your other ones are broken, see if you can fix them first. Love your clothes like if they were your babies!