White Monday - Red Cross Pop-up


White Monday is not about banning people who consume, it’s about consuming consciously! It started as a movement against Black Friday - a day companies tells us that we need more than we have and they’re doing so by tempting sales. At the moment, we in Sweden, consume like we had 4.2 planets. This is not sustainable. We need to find alternative ways to share what has already been produced. This can happen in so many ways, by donating and buying from Second Hand, by exchanging items with your friends, by renting services you only use a few times and so on. Circularity is the new business and consumption model we should strive for. This morning I visited the Red Cross Nacka pop-up at Nacka Forum (shopping mall). I’m very grateful I got the opportunity to share my knowledge and passion. I definitely believe we need to be better at presenting second hand as a fashionable option! And this store, is doing an amazing job! You’ll find Red Cross Nacka pop-up at Nacka Forum until the end of march!


A sustainable closet - find your style


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