A sustainable closet - find your style


When I started this blog I had the aspiration to share my story towards a more sustainable closet with you. I also had the idea that I would share some of my best outfits, mostly to promote second hand as a fashionable option. However, ideas don’t necessarily become reality. Since the blog started I have shared some brands making an effort to become sustainable, a few outfit photos and plenty of wonderful interviews. I’m very happy about that, but from now on, I will try to share more tips on how to create a sustainable closet. I will try to get back to my original idea.

I would say these are essential questions you can ask yourself and tips on where to start:

  • What do you want to dress in? What’s your style?

  • Search for inspiration on Pinterest and other apps

  • What activities are you doing during the day?

  • Choose clothes that suit your needs and everyday life.

  • How do you want to feel in your clothes?

  • Are there materials you enjoy more to wear?

  • What are the most used clothes in your closet and why?

  • How does your routine look like when it comes to looking after your clothes? How often do you do laundry for example?

  • Do you enjoy mixing styles our do you stay in the same outfit?

  • Colours, black or white, what’s your thing?

The answer to these questions can of course change over time. But they will help you to understand what should be in your closet - primarily the clothes you use the most. Other’s can be borrowed. If you have an active lifestyle, it makes sense to have clothes you can move in. If you have a job where you want to look professional, then that might be your thing, if you prefer black, don’t keep the pink dress because you should, if you don’t like ironing maybe you shouldn’t have clothes you need to iron and if you live in a cold climate maybe the majority of clothes shouldn’t be summer clothes.

I believe a sustainable closet starts by knowing yourself! Who are you and what do you want to wear?

I started with Pinterest and realised that I love colours and skirts (even if that might be trendy now) so I simply started to look for that second hand. So start with inspiration and self reflection.


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