Vintage Skiing Trends to be inspired by

Crispy snow, cold air and a strong sun reflecting its light on the white ground. Many of us associate winter with skiing. Those days outdoors ended up with either a round at the pub or a hot chocolate in front of the fire. It didn’t take long until fashion brands and magazines picked up outdoor clothes as a trend per se, but also something that would variate from season to season. Suddenly last year’s outdoor outfits didn’t do anymore, fast fashion had moved into the skiing resorts. Buying new clothes every season is of course not good for the environment but when it comes to outdoors it is probably worse considering the composition of polyester materials and chemicals used for endurance.

Instead of being trapped in the narrative that your skiing vacation requires new shopping, fall in love with what you already have, borrow an outfit from a friend, look into responsible brands if anything is needed, check out rentals or why not search for vintage items. Yes, they are definitely there. And who wouldn’t like to look like they did in the 40s, 60s, 70s or 80s?


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