Soul Factory - a business, inner and sustainable clothing journey

What we noticed in our community is a growing trend for self-care and inner-wellbeing. It has been a decade since yoga truly hit our homes but the interest hasn’t declined. We took a chat with one of the amazing communities and marketplace places that wants to provide the best products for their customers when it comes to inner wellbeing. Soul Factory also has their new clothing line which they developed based on the needs and questions they heard from their community. Read the story told by Katarina, the founder of Soul Factory.


Welcome, Soul Factory to A Sustainable Closet! You recently changed the name and was founded a few years back. Can you tell us more about why you started the store with the special nisch of yoga products?

Soul Factory is very much the result of my life journey. After some 20 years in a very successful but demanding family business, I reached a crossroads. I asked myself what is it that I long for and what changes I want to see in my life. I wanted to find peace and be more present in my life. Be open to new adventures. Yoga was a part of the answer for me. It had a huge effect on my physical and mental well-being and since I'm that kind of person that can't do something just a little but go all in with great enthusiasm I'm now an educated Ayur Yoga teacher and a Child’s Yoga instructor. Living and working in this community made me notice there was a huge interest and demand for all kinds of yoga products. That's how the idea started to open Soul Factory.

What are the most popular products and common questions you get? What are the problems you are solving for the customer?

It has changed through time. Originally the main focus was on yoga mats, sportswear and yoga props. A frequently asked question was "How do I find the perfect top and legging so I don't risk showing my breast and bums in more challenging poses”? A good fit is essential in yoga so that you can do those yoga stretches and just be in the moment without worrying. Another could be "Which yoga mat should I choose for the best grip?" or "How should I think when choosing a yoga block or bolster" and so on. Very much practical questions.

Have you noticed any sales or change of interest? Yoga became a trend more than a decade ago but we keep on seeing trends and changes in the spiritual community, can you see any reflection of that regarding what products are sold?

Yes, we noticed a significant difference actually and our change of names mirrors that quite well. We move towards a more yoga lifestyle than just pure yoga. There is a huge interest in spiritual growth and a feel-good lifestyle. You can now find books, tarot cards, and essential oils. crystals, Superfoods, soulful clothes and jewellery to name some news in the shop. We are still very much experts in yoga props but we also meet the big interest for the spiritual lifestyle It's a balance to communicate both to the customer. We want everyone to feel welcome.

How do you source the products you sell? Do you have any special sustainability criteria, questions you ask or standards you use?

When I started Soul Factory the whole idea for me was to live a more healthy and sustainable life. We moved out of the country and created the perfect setting for my family and growing company. That vision of a healthy lifestyle is just as important to me as which products I choose to offer in the shop. Every brand needs to have a story. A story and a vision to make a difference and an effort to make a life for ourselves and others a little bit better. I choose to buy from countries that I know have high work ethics. I look for companies with certificates that guarantee fair production such as OEKO-TEX®️, WOOLMARK and GOTS-certified cotton to name some. We try to find products that are organic and if not choose those that are made of recycled materials. In some rare cases, we choose something that isn't recycled or organic but has another benefit for example an exposed group where it gives a small community the tools to escape poverty etc.
We trust you very much in your recommendations. As a small company, it can be difficult to investigate if companies follow those environmental considerations and work ethics that we require. We do a lot of research but it's a great help to listen to other e-traders. We are a very strong community and there is a big willingness to help each other. That is how I found the right factory in Portugal, to produce our own line of clothes; Follow your Soul. We use GOTS-certified cotton and recycled materials. We also use a factory in Pakistan, (owned by two Swedish brothers) powered by renewable energy and they use recycled fabrics. We also believe in producing clothes of very high quality so we reduce wear and tear. Further, we design clothes that are not trend-sensitive. We love Slow fashion. We also look for sustainable materials such as bamboo, modal and Tencel.

What are the major challenges behind sourcing more sustainable products? Is there a lack of materials on the market, innovations or regulations?

I believe and hope that we will see great innovations in the future to help create a more sustainable way of life but the political climate must support this new path and change the focus from economic to human and environmental profit.
If you put some effort into it you can find those small businesses with a big heart but it takes some detective work.

Lastly, how do you see the connection between yoga and sustainable fashion? Are there any linkages? And in what ways can yoga be used for us to become more sustainable in our daily lives?
Yoga focus on inner and outer peace and health. It's difficult not to apply that in your daily life when you are a yogi. It falls naturally to care for the environment when you focus on your own well-being. It goes hand in hand.


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