Rent your outdoor gear
Photo: Naturkompaniet
Summer is here and many people are approaching their holidays. This summer doesn’t look like anyone else. A lot of people are not able to travel abroad or even within their own countries. Majority will probably seek places to explore more locally. Some might do their first local hiking or summer holiday within their own country-borders. The sales at the outdoor stores in Stockholm are peaking, several staff are witnessing an increase demand in outdoor gear. More compared to other summers.
Outdoor gear comes with a huge environmental cost, not only to mention the economic costs. If you truly want high quality gear, which might be necessary for several of days hiking in rain and cold (something to plan for if you’re hiking in Sweden), than it going to cost you several thousands of SEK.
There are however a few questions you can ask yourself before making any purchase:
Photo: Naturkompaniet
What do I really need?
How often will I use this gear?
Can I borrow for someone I know?
Can I rent it?
If I buy something new, is there any brand or product that comes with a higher social and enviromental responsibility than others?
It’s very essential to be honest towards yourself about your usage of the gear. If you’re only hiking once maybe you don’t need to buy anything. Even during a short day-hike you can borrow a friends hiking boots and just use a normal raincoat. If you’re planning to hike regularly it might be good to invest in boots that suits your feet and in clothes that will be close to your body and that are breathable (ylleställ in Swedish). If you’re hiking every month, maybe it makes sense to have a jacket, a warm sweater and proper socks. If you’re hiking every weekend it might even make sense to own your own tent, bag and sleeping bag. Be honest, and truly explore how often you’re going to use the gear.
If it’s your first hike and you’re planning to do more, it can be a good advice anyway to start borrowing from friends or people close to you. Maybe you have parents, siblings or friends who has a tent and a sleeping bag? If you realise you’re borrowing them a lot, maybe you can buy the items from the ones who doesn’t use it as often?
Another advice would be to explore renting alternatives. Through Naturkompaniet you can rent your tent and your bag. But there are also several renting services close to many natural reserves. Sometimes it might be a good advice to know where to go and then search for renting alternatives nearby. You will be surprised about how many places in Sweden that provides renting services! Good for your wallet and good for the environment.
Here are a few rental services:
Fjälläventyr - tent and other equipment for hiking in north part os Sweden
Dalarö Kajak - tent, sleeping bag and even cooking equipment. An hour from Stockholm with car.
Laponia - communication tools, clothes, rent, cooking equipment and much more. If you’re hiking nearby Jokkmokk.
Hygglo - private people rent out there things. You can find almost everything and rent from anywhere in Sweden.
Outdoor Center Värmland - a lot to rent for outdoors activities but also several tents.
IKSU Sarek - boots, tent, gear for several outdoor activities. If you’re close to the Swedish National Park Sarek this is the place.
Sporthyra - gloves, helmets, socks and several skiing gear to remember for the winter.
Vänern Outdoor - if you happen to be near one of the largest lakes in Sweden, this is the place to rent your gear.
Outdoor Buddies - tent, sleeping bag, boots, kitchen equipment and a little bit of everything else.
Enjoy your local summer and stay safe!