Meet Isabelle, the fashion lover behind DISCOTHÈQUE

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Hi Isabelle, who are you? What’s you background and in what ways have you worked with fashion?

Hi A Sustainable Closet, first of all, thank you for having me, I’m so exciting to be here!

So, I’m Isabelle, a multi-creative and fashion lover born and raised in Gothenburg, Sweden. I consider myself being a so called Jack of all trades, meaning I live to do a whole range of different things, that’s what keeps me going. I grew up with a lot of creativity around me. My grandma is a seamstress and my mom is super crafty as well. We always had a DIY project going on at home, everything from beading, knitting, painting, playing with clay and of course sewing. I was the designer and mom and grandma were in charge of the production. 

I’ve always felt very confident in how I dress, I wear whatever I feel good in and my personal style reflects who I am. I don’t follow trends, I create my own and in 2014 I decided to get myself a degree in fashion. I moved to Milan to study Fashion Marketing & Communication at Istituto Europeo di Design. I had three amazing years filled with pizza, pasta, vino & amore and of course Fashion, in all its forms. I worked as a stylist at Milan Fashion Week and was constantly running around on events at the big fashion houses. 

Moving back to Sweden, my fashion journey took me to NA-KD, the well known fast fashion hub. I got an internship in the marketing team that later on turn into a full time position as Key Account Manager. Together with colleagues from the design team we developed so called white labels and collaboration collections with Swedish and international influencers. I had a fun time at NA-KD and I learned a lot, especially that fast fashion isn’t my passion. 

After my time at NA-KD I left the fashion scene for a while in order to focus on my marketing career. Then, I started my first company together with my bestie, I worked part time in a clothing store and I even took a temporarily gig in a fashion warehouse, I‘m eager and curious to see and experience the fashion industry from different view points. 

It sure has been a long and interesting fashion journey for me and what I can tell you, is that it’s far from over. 

You have recently started DISCOTHÈQUE, can you tell us more about your platform?
With Discothèque I want to inspire people to find their personal style in a sustainable way and diminish the need and desire for newly produced clothes. I’m a change maker and I want to show my surrounding that dressing cool and fashionable without harming our planet is possible. Buying pre-loved and vintage clothes has never been hotter and it will furthermore turn your wardrobe into a unique and inspiring place.

But as the multi-creative I am, one day isn’t the other one alike, and as I’ve mentioned I love doing tons of different stuff. Which is exactly what my platform is all about. A creative Discothèque of fashion, art, sewing projects, DIY’s and creative marketing. 

You also enjoy upcycling and have for example created bags from scarfs, how can people get your items (or are they for sale)?

Yes, I like to experiment with clothes and create more ways of utility. Why not tie a scarf and make a bag. I have a belt that I sometimes wear as a necklace. I also collect and rescue all sorts of textiles that I come across. Scrap fabrics are valuable to me. they’re great for patchwork designs yet to make new fabrics out of. 99% of the garments I make are made from recycled textiles bought from flea markets, second hand shops and found in linen closets of friends and family. 

I do have an idea to start selling my creations, but very limited and on a low scale including the “Buy Back” concept. The last thing I want is my designs ending up in a landfill somewhere. I rather buy back the garment, re-design it or use the fabric for something else. Circularity is everything. Stay tuned!

What service are you offering your costumers?

Sustainable styling - I use what’s all ready there, I borrow from vintage and secondhand shops, friends and contacts and rent from companies like Gemme Collective. I create stories and styles for people, stores, brands, magazines and myself. I’m also dreaming about working as a costume designer in the film industry, imagine working on set and source outfits for big movie productions, that would be next level for me. 

Creative marketing - Project management for social media, campaigns, advertising, concept development you name it. I’m bubbling with ideas and I’m not afraid to take on any new project or misson. 

Graphic design - I help companies and people to create that eye catching logo or visual identity for their brand, or illustrate artworks and content for any purpose. 

What’s the purpose behind what you’re doing?

We only get one life on this planet and I’ve asked myself several times how I want to spend it. It’s been a rollercoaster to find out and perhaps I will change my mind again and again, and that’s ok. Whats most important to me is that I follow my dreams. Because if i won’t follow my dreams, someone will hire me to build theirs. With that said I want to make the most out of life and believe in myself. Work should be fun och giving, and of course challenging and sometimes stressful, that’s part of the game. 

If you want to follow my journey or get in contact with me, you find me @d.i.s.c.o.t.h.e.q.u.e on Instagram.


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