Circular Monday - the day to celebrate sustainable consumption
Circular Monday was initiated in 2017 by Repamera by playing the “opposite-game” towards Black Friday. Black Friday is consumption hysteria and linear production manifested and it is the last thing this world needs. To create a movement against it and promote other ways for consumption White Monday happens the Monday before Back Friday. What is essential here is that you don’t buy anything during Back Friday and instead chose to support Circular Monday. The named changed this year to make it more clear what the Monday actually is about. The initiators and the people supporting the Monday, is not agains consumption, but wants it to be more sustainable and circular. Several organisations and companies have partnered with Circular Monday, such as the Swedish Red Cross of example. To rent, reuse and repair are good tools for circular consumption.
This is the day we promote the future. This is the day to end Black Friday. This is the day we put all the good alternatives in the spotlight. You can join too by sharing #circularmonday, follow the Circular Monday on Instagram and support other sustainable influencers leading the change.
Together we can create a circular future.
The influencer Emma Sundh, last year support of the movement. Our Change Maker interview with her is available here.
The influencer and Slow Fashion profile Johanna Nilsson is supporting as always. Read the Change Maker interview with Johanna here.
Download material for #CircularMonday here!