Fashion Goals Academy is here - a series of digital lectures for high school students

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“The fashion industry is one of the most polluting in the world and we need a whole new generation of consumers to change their consumption behaviour”.

That’s the introduction to the new digital lecture series, Fashion Goals Academy, presented by Pop Swap in collaboration with Swedish Fashion Council. The series consist of 12 different classes that takes 15-30 minutes each. In combination with the classes you get materials with exercises, taks and questions one can use. The target group are high school students and it’s free for any school class to join. It’s available in Swedish and the lectures are held by some of the most inspring and prominent voices on fashion and sustainability.

Two of them are Ahmed Al Qassam and Maria Lagerman. You can get to know them better at our change maker interview serie.

Check the course out and tell your teacher that your class should join now!


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