Closet clean out
Photo: Sarah Brown
It may feel like a boring punishment when it’s time for your closet to be sorted. This little guide can hopefully make you see the positives about it, and how you can actually enjoy it!
Do you know your style?
Before starting the closet clean out, sit down and think about your style. Style is not just about ”looking good”, it’s more so about FEELING good. What type of clothing feels comfortable on you, and looks good at the same time? We usually tend to change style throughout the years, which is amazing because how boring would it be if we looked the same as kids and as grownups? Try to forget about popular trends (unless you’re really into those), try to look within yourself and choose a ”style path” that feels good for YOU and no one else.This is also a good thing to think about before buying new pieces, otherwise there’s a risk you’ll just keep on buying garments/accessories that aren’t YOU.
Photo: Nathan Dumlao
I think you’re now ready for the first step:
Empty your closet and put on your favorite music
It may seem a bit extreme to take it all out, but it’s a really good way of starting the process from the beginning. Mainly because you, by doing so, really see and touch every piece of garment you own but also because it really allows you to make sure that the only pieces going back in the closet are those you really like and use. It’s all about starting fresh and giving your garments a new glow! And hey, don’t forget the music! Make it fun and enjoyable.
Also - You and your friend could do it together? Maybe you’ll even swap things with each other? One woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure…
The pile preparation
The ”keep” pile:
This is what you’ll keep to yourself, garments that you know for a fact you want.
The ”donate” pile:
PSSST! This doesn’t mean putting the pieces that are super dirty/trashy/broken or defective. When you donate, it doesn’t have to be in perfect shape but let’s not donate clothes that are barely saleable. This pile is perfect for the pieces that may be ”out of style” for you and your friends, but that someone else could purchase from a charity store and use!
The ”sell” pile:
If you’re into selling your clothes, this is a perfect moment to sort of what you can actually earn something from by selling it for example online!
The ”maybe” pile:
This is the grey zone type of pile. If you’re not sure, put it there in the meantime you’re continuing to clean out. After you’re done, go back to the ”maybe” pile and give it one last try. Put it together with other pieces to see if you can make it work, and if you’re crafty and creative - Is there anything you can do to spice it up yourself?
Photo: Annie Spratt
”Have I worn this for the last couple of months?”
I’m sure you’ve heard this one before, but it’s actually a good one when deciding what to keep and not to keep. If your answer is no, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you should get rid of it (unless it really is a BIG NO and there’s no way you could match it with anything else, then you should sell it/give it to a friend or donate it). If you do see the potential in the garment, since your clothes probably already are spread out in your room, try different outfits and match it with nice accessories. Maybe that’ll shed a new light on your piece of clothing, and you’ll be so happy you saved it throughout this whole time! It’s definitely worth a try.
Photo: Sexy Lammerink
Easy access
Another thing I’d like to mention is to keep the clothes you only wear on certain occasions as separate as possible from the rest of your clothes. Your ”daily pieces” should be easily accessible without having to turn the whole closet upside down, which will only cause yourself stress and frustration (trust me, been there done that).Try to make it as easy as possible when it comes to picking an outfit, regardless of occasion or style.
Put it back in place
Now is a perfect time to make it good, from scratch. Make your closet and drawer look FRESH. Why not organize by category (blazers, shirts etc.) and color? Your closet will look a 100% better, and it’ll be more fun for you when choosing an outfit next time.
When you try to focus on yourself, your style, your feelings, your way of being comfortable in your outfits (and the list can go on and on...) - That’s when you make good decisions, both regarding cleaning out your closet AND when shopping for new pieces.
Good luck and have fun with it!