Based in: Gothenburg
Founded in: Sweden
Founded by: Laila but now managed by her daughter Christina
Shop: Physical store at Götabergsgatan 22, Gothenburg
Instagram: @boutiqielailasecondhand
Why we love them: Boutique Laila Second Hand is a pearl in the heart of Gothenburg. You always get a warm welcome when entering the boutique and the help that you might need to find the golden gems that your wardrobe is currently missing. The owner is picky with what she offers her customers which means everything is of high quality. We can assure you will always find something at Boutique Laila Second Hand.
What’s the story of Boutique Laila Second hand?
The story began 23 years ago. My mom (Laila) had for a long time been working in another secondhand store when working conditions suddenly changed, she decided to start her own shop. At the beginning I (Christina) was supposed to just help out in the store when mom needed an extra hand, but I fell in love completely with the concept, customers and vibe so I’ve been working here ever since the start.
“The rule of thumb is to resell to a third of the original price.”
How does the concept work?
People come on Monday’s and Wednesday’s to leave clotthes that they no longer want or use. We go through everything and set the prices together. I got to say I’m a bit picky about what's to be sold in my store, I know my customers and therefore I wouldn’t accept just anything. The rule of thumb is to resell to a third of the original price. Sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn’t, then we agree on another price. The items are then available in store for 5 weeks and hopefully sold (on commission) here at Götabergsgatan 22 in Gothenburg.
Who is the typical Boutique Laila Second hand customer?
She’s a professional and in her best years, very fashion conscious, likes unique items and strives to look comfortable and chic at work and in her daily life. Average age of my customers is 35-40 y/o.
What has been the biggest gain so far?
I must say the human encounter and that we’ve become sort of a community where people come to chat, shop, ask for advice, anything. And to be part of people’s lives and everything that comes with it. Weddings, funerals, parties, it’s amazing to be able to help people both to dress and through big life occasions and share all these moments together. On another note we’re so grateful that we’re still here, after 23 years! What has been the biggest challenge up until now. The pandemic has certainly been a challenge for us but I must also say that it changed us for the better. We had to level ourselves up and think outside the box to survive.
Where do you find your inspiration?
I follow many inspiring accounts on Instagram where I collect inspiration. Influencers are a big source of inspo too. Even city strolls, visiting other second hand stores and reading magazines gives me new fresh ideas. Another great hack to find inspiration is to just take a pause and chill!
“My wardrobe consists of 90% second hand.”
What is your opinion when it comes to greenwashing?
It’s easy to fool people in today's society. There will always be people who desire the latest on the fashion scene. And if you then sugar coat it by using the word “sustainable”, people will most likely buy it. I think greenwash is something very ugly.
How do you consume fashion?
My wardrobe consists of 90% second hand. I want to be sustainable but it’s also due to the fun pre-loved fashion comes with. It’s win-win and I love it! I shop from my store but I really fancy shopping from other second hand boutiques too.
How would you describe your wardrobe?
It’s a mix of romantic, fancy and colorful pieces, you name it. If someone I don’t know would have a look in my wardrobe, I’m sure that person would say “who is she?”, but on the other hand I’ve always had a wardrobe family and friends want to borrow from. When there is a party coming up my friends often want to roam around in my closet to find something fun to wear. I love my clothes, I share a special bond with every single item.
“To shop vintage and second hand can be seen as a sort of art. It’s tricky in the beginning and you need to create an eye for it.”
Can you name favorite second hand store (if you couldn’t pick your own)?
Judit’s in Stockholm!
What’s your advice to someone who wants to start consuming more sustainably?
To shop vintage and second hand can be seen as a sort of art. It’s tricky in the beginning and you need to create an eye for it. I want to highlight that pre-loved fashion is for everyone no matter what style you prefer. You can be both a minimalist and maximalist but still wear second hand. My advice to build up that second hand eye, is to go visit second hand stores often, feel the vibe, get inspired, learn how to search for the things you desire. Don’t forget to ask for help, I love to help my customers find the right fit or piece.
Any good fashion book recommendations?
A Vintage Affair by Isabel Wolff, such an inspiring book.