Name: Saraid

Occupation: Digital creator

Based in: Chicago, IL USA


Instagram: @sunsetsaraid

Why we love her: You cannot not love Saraid! Her colourful Instagram feed just makes you want to run to the next second hand shop and copy her style! So much joy and beauty in one person! We are sure her 21 700 followers agree!


Dear Saraid, we love your colorful instagram account, can you please tell us more about how you started to post and why you did it?

After graduating college and finishing illustrating a children’s book, I was looking for a new creative outlet. I started posting my outfits and photography on Instagram and fell in love with the process and connecting with so many like minded people interested in thrifted wardrobes.

When did your interest in clothing started and why?

I’ve always been interested in thrifted clothes and fashion! And I’ve been thrifting since I was a kid. But it took me a while to feel comfortable trying new styles and wearing more color in my wardrobe. 

How would you describe your style and have you always had the same kind of style?

My style has definitely changed throughout my life. I used to feel intimated by unique and colorful pieces and now I fully embrace them. Now, I would describe my style as colorful, creative and vintage inspired. 


What are your styling secrets and recommendations for anyone that want to look more like you?

I love a good vintage mini dress, colorful tights and a matching beret. But I think it’s most important to just try new things and see what you like best!

How big is your closet and how often do you shop? 

From my many years as a thrifter and vintage collector, I have a large closet/collection! Definitely too many clothes for the amount of closet space.  I try to rotate it out seasonally! And sell pieces on Depop if they aren’t being used.

What is a sustainable closet for you?

A sustainable closet to me is not perfectly sustainable. I think it’s important for a person to find pieces that they love, pieces that last or that you can mend. I try to buy mostly thrifted, vintage or on Depop/postmark! But there are some things I will buy new if I think i will use it for years. I’ve had a couple fast fashion shirts I bought seven years ago that I still wear once a week. I think for a sustainable wardrobe, keeping and caring for your clothes is most important. 


Best vintage and second hand stores? 

Honestly, I love most thrift and secondhand stores. I usually can find something great. I think it’s mostly about going often. My favorite shop is probably St Vincent De Paul in Madison, Wisconsin. 

Best recommendations for anyone that would like to buy more second hand?

My best recommendation is to make a thrift list of what you’re looking to find. That’ll help you focus on the task at hand and not get too overwhelmed if you’re just starting out. 


