In my vintage blazer from Röda Korset in Östersund, old white shirt that I’ve had for many years from Åhléns and the beautiful silk scarf I bought at the Metropolitan Museum in New York. Photo: @photobigben @ollemake @ladiesteam
Name: Eva Wikner Grahnström
Based in: Stockholm and Dalarna, Sweden
Occupation: 69 years old Influencer and model. I’m also working with art exhibitions and gender equality through a business network for women.
Instagram: @eva_wikner
Why we love her: Eva is so inspiring, both for her fabulous style and cool mindset. Of course you can have a fantastic and fun life after 60, just look at Eva. This is exactly what we’re going to strive for - live life to its fullest.
Tell us about yourself?
Next year I will be 70 years old. I'm a curious person who likes to try new things. This spring I joined a modeling agency and since June 2021 I profile myself as an influencer and model on Instagram. It has attracted quite a lot of attention and I have been interviewed in several contexts.
My major interests are art, design, fashion and jewellery. On my Instagram account, I want to show how wonderful life can be at my age and inspire other women to take a place and be seen more on social media. For most of my life, I've been an entrepreneur with my own company, an advertising agency with 12 employees. I've also run an art gallery in my spare time for many years.
Today I work as a brand strategist and business coach. I'm the chairman of an art association and together with two colleagues I started a business network four years ago, which today brings together 350 women. Originally I come from a small village in northern Ångermanland called Rörström where I grew up under simple conditions. My parents' great interest was art, so it's something I brought with me and enjoy a lot every day.
Today I share my time between Dalarna and Stockholm. I’m grateful that I can choose when I want to live close to nature or in the big city. I am the proud mother of two grown up sons with families and the grandmother of 4 wonderful grandchildren. I've been married to Kjell since 1975.
What’s your relationship with clothes?
I've always been interested in clothes. I’ve got the interest from my mother, who sewed a lot of my clothes in the 50's and 60's. Then it was important to take care of everything and I especially remember an old honey-yellow coat, and how she turned the fabric and sewed a duffel for me. I have used second hand clothes since I was a child and saved a lot of special outfits with great memories over the years. My oldest garment is a pink wool suit that my mother sewed for me when I was 14 years old and it is still very nice. Last autumn, when it was boring during the pandemic, I started my project #in_my_wardrobe. I dressed in my old outfits, took selfies and published on Instagram with the story behind. It was very appreciated among my followers.
How would you describe your style?
I do not follow trends and try to find my own style. One day I dress strictly with a white shirt and black jacket. Another day I long for lots of colors or a more bohemian style. I often get inspiration from folklore. In my closets, attic and basement there are lots of opportunities to find and combine an exciting outfit for the day.
Any favourite items?
With accessories I can create different expressions. I have always liked aprons that can be a beautiful and personal detail on a solid color dress. Vests, shawls, belts and bags are other things that are exciting to play with.
From which stores and brands do you preferably shop?
I mainly shop at second-hand stores, both when it comes to clothes and things for the home. For example, Myrorna, Stadsmissionen and Erikshjälpen. I also like to shop at smaller second-hand shops, such as Camilla's clothes on Fleminggatan or Arkivet on Nybrogatan, both in Stockholm. But I always buy new underwear, towels and bed linen - I want it to be new and not used by anyone else.
Where do you find inspiration?
I find inspiration just to look around when I'm in town or out and about. There is plenty to be inspired by if you are open and curious. Folk costumes and older clothes can also be very inspiring.
Do you have a style icon, if yes, who?
Women like Iris Apfel, Frida Kahlo, Gunilla Pontén inspire me, especially for their courage to go their own way.
What is a sustainable closet for you?
When you can use 10-20 year old garments from your wardrobe, I think you can call it sustainable. It's usually clothes in natural materials such as cotton, linen, wool and silk. Clothes made of synthetic materials are seldom attractive after a few years.
What do you think about the fashion industry in general?
When you find that there is no thought of quality but only about wear and tear and cheapest price, I think it's sad no matter what it is that is produced. I admire the brands that care about sustainable fashion, for example NygårdsAnna.
What can one do that seeks to create a more sustainable closet?
Try to find your own style and ignore trends. Buy a few basic clothes in good quality that you can vary with accessories in different colors, patterns and materials. A simple dress can be both the best everyday garment and the most luxurious outfit for the evening. Let go of your dreams and your creativity.
I’m so impressed by my mother who in 1952 chose something so personal and unique for her civil marriage with my father Kjell in the Karlstad courthouse. Black silk with a tulle cover embroidered with pink flowers. She was only 21 years-old. The marriage took place on the 5th of March when she was pregnant with me, I was born 5 month later. She has told me that she remade the dress’s upper part, she wanted a bathing suit look and bolero design and so she upcycled it. About 25 years ago she asked me to take care of her wedding dress. Ever since it’s been hanging in our attic and a while ago I went up there to get it. In the picture you can see me in my mothers beautiful styled with my mother in law Margareta’s elegant coat in silk. I’m so very grateful for all the beautiful memories I’ve collected and can bring with me everyday.