INTERVIEW #179 Elizabet Westerlund
Name: Elizabet Westerlund
Occupation: Sustainable fashion designer, slow fashion "influencer"
Based in: Vännäsby, northern Sweden
Hello Elizabet, tell us about yourself?
Hello! I create colourfully and size-inclusive clothing and accessories from second-hand fabric through my brand, Skamlös Design (Shameless Design). I would also call myself a slow fashion influencer - I educate and inspire people to choose second-hand, slow fashion and to create for themselves. What makes me unique, I think, is that I also have a fat body and I write from a body-positive approach. I want to help people of all shapes and sizes to explore their style and to find a style that is fun, authentic and sustainable.
What’s your relationship with clothes?
I just love my clothes! Some of them are old friends that I hang out with regularly and some of them are acquaintances that I meet up with from time to time. But I love hanging out with all of them. I see dressing up as an art - my clothes are the colours and brushes.
When did you get interested in Slow Fashion?
It was a series of steps… I discovered second-hand about 2008 when I studied but around 2013 I got OBSESSED with retro/vintage clothing and retro textiles. I just loved the colours and the patterns. 2017-2018 I studied clothing design at Umeå University which opened my eyes to the environmental impact of the industry. I felt like I wanted to be a part of change so I started my company in 2018.
Then, after giving birth to my child at the end of 2018, I went from hardly plus size to really plus size. Which meant that I couldn't fit in my clothes anymore. So I started a mission of trying to find a new, colourful, sustainable style that worked for my new size. It took years to find it but I felt like "this is something I eventually could teach other plus-size people about". After that, I found the slow fashion community in Sweden on Instagram and got inspired. But it wasn't until 2023 I started working towards making a living for myself and working (mostly) full-time.
How would you describe your style?
Colourful and extra! I love mixing colours, patterns, and types of fabric, using a lot of interesting layers and accessories. When someone asks I always tell them that my favourite colors are pink and rainbow. I consider myself a maximalist, at least on my dress-up days. I don't particularly follow rules about fashion or dressing for a particular body type. My style gives me joy and inner strength.
Any favourite items in your closet?
I would say my favourite me-made dress is a patchwork dress from retro fabrics in yellow, orange, blue, and green - inspired by a sunrise. My favourite bought piece would probably be one of my kaftans from the slow fashion (and size-inclusive) label Dot's'n Bows. I just love them! I also bought some items from my local opera when they arranged their annual "yard sale" - so much fun!
How would you describe your closet?
Never-ending! Haha. I have quite the collection, according to my app I own around 250 - 300 pieces. In a way, I envy people who have a capsule or minimalist wardrobes. But I'm not a minimalist, and I never will be. I love the variation and unique pieces too much! My goal is to have a closet full of clothes that feel authentic, make me happy and feel like they belong together.
What is a sustainable closet for you?
A sustainable closet is a closet with clothes that you love and wear, regardless of how many pieces you own. The sustainable closet contains second-hand clothing, clothes from slow fashion brands, as well as your old favourites and clothes that has been mended time and time again. Hopefully, a closet where you have a relationship with every piece and they spark your creativity.
Is there anything you think the slow fashion movement needs to talk more about?
We need to talk more about diversity within the movement! In Sweden, at least, the slow fashion community is white, female, middle-aged, straight-sized, cis, and urban-based. Our community isn't very diverse and it's sad. I would like to talk more about why this is and what we can do about it. Being based in the countryside, being fat, and creating larger bodies - these are small ways that I differ from the norm but I still feel like an outsider. So how do you feel when you don't belong to any of these normative boxes?
I would also want to talk about how we work together. Today, the slow fashion community is quite decentralized. We have our nodes in Stockholm and Malmö but I would like to see us all working together, joining our efforts, regardless of if we're hobby makers, slow fashionistas or if we run a brand. Like a Slow Fashion Sweden association? That is something I dream about - being an unstoppable force.
What information and messages would you like to share?
Slow fashion should be for everybody. If we really want everyone to join the slow fashion movement - then there needs to be slow-fashion clothes for all body sizes. We can't look at our size range and think L is enough. Ultra-fast fashion has a huge variety of sizes and we shouldn't be worse than them if we want to be relevant!
What can one do that seeks to create a more sustainable closet?
Give yourself time to reflect. Decide to go no-buy for a set period of months. Start reflecting and creating a relationship with the pieces you own. Find out what you love, what you don't feel comfortable in, what you actually wear. Be creative, try mixing your outfits in new ways, and join a wardrobe challenge. If you want to reflect in a more digital manner, I recommend the app Acloset, which creates a digital wardrobe and also gives you nice statistics.