Name: Lizette Svensson

Based in: Halmstad, Sweden

Occupation: My daytime job is as a Community Coordinator at Dreams app, but I also work with my own instagram and study to become an Interior stylist since I want to inspire others to decorate more sustainably (and more personal) with secondhand stuff.

Get inspired by: Pinterest and what I find at the thrift store

Instagram: @dearlizette


Hi Lizette, we're so happy to welcome you to A Sustainable Closet! Tell us about yourself?

I’m 34, living in a big old apartment with my fiancé and our cuddly golden retriever Quinn. I love decorating our home, almost as much as fashion! But both hobbies are carried out with almost only second hand finds.

I grew up in the countryside on a farm, and this is actually the first time I live in a city. I both like it, and dislike it. I long for the woods, the lakes and the peaceful quietness where you mustn’t think about fashion at all - but also really appreciate the city where I dress up, go out with friends and have everything I need around the corner. Answering these questions makes me realize I probably have many different personalities competing with each other no matter if it’s regarding where I want to live or what I wear.

What’s your relationship with clothes?

I have always wanted to be unique in some way with my clothes and early on I had ideas of what I wanted to wear and not, to my mum’s frustration. And even though I have suffered from real bad acne since I was about 13, and tried, still try, to hide my face often, I somehow still want to be different and stand out with my clothing. A paradox really!

My relationship with shopping habits though is a story of change. Before I used to shop everything on H&M sales, but due to fear of climate changes I now buy second hand clothing instead. You can almost find and buy everything second hand - so why wouldn't you? It’s cheaper, often better quality, more unique pieces and last but not least, better for the planet.

How would you describe your style?

A mix of bohemian, rock, vintage and cute pieces I sew myself with thrifted fabrics. I love to mix prints, and try new combinations of what I already own. Sometimes it looks really good, sometimes not. But still, mixing, trying, being creative and not limiting yourself when dressing is important to me. Just because I wore black jeans, boots and a Harley tee yesterday it doesn’t mean I can’t wear a cute dress with bows and ruffles today.


Any favorite items?

Anything with a flower pattern is always my "favorite color” when asked. You can never go wrong with a flower dress and boots! But actually, some of the best pieces in my closet are those that my fiancé talked me into buying, and he never lets me forget that.

Where do you find inspiration?

@bjonesstyle, Pinterest, those I follow on Instagram and music festivals (especially Australian ones, they dress so beautifully bohemian and effortless down under).

Do you have a style icon, if yes, who?

Hmm, I actually don’t! I like to mix a lot of styles and have never seen anyone that dresses exactly how I'd like to dress, so I take inspiration from a lot of different icons and unknown people and create my outfits from that.


Favorite stores or brands to shop from?

Tradera and local thrift shops. I’m not a brand person at all, I wear what I find beautiful no matter the brand. But I’d love to find a beautiful vintage Liz Claiborne dress!

What is a sustainable closet for you?

Using what you have over and over, and shopping second hand. Sometimes I also buy a special piece from a small local business (preferably female owned) to support them.

What do you think about the fashion industry in general?

As it looks today, I’m really not happy with it. Too dirty, inhumane, over producing and not sustainable at all. Therefore I try to shop as much second hand as possible. I don’t want to contribute to climate changes just to be able to dress myself.

What can one do that seeks to create a more sustainable closet?

Find new ways of style combinations in their own wardrobe, or complement it by renting or borrowing pieces or only buying second hand and vintage.

Describe what fashion is for you, in three words:

Oh my God, that’s a hard one. I would put it as expression, personality and always a search.


