Name: Cavina

Occupation: Freelance Marketer and YouTuber

Based in: Bangkok, Thailand

YouTube channel: Cavina

Instagram: @cavina

Hello Cavina, can you tell us about yourself, who are you and where are you from?

Hi! My name is Cavina and I'm a half Thai / half British who grew up in America but just moved to Bangkok, Thailand in 2022! I'm a secondhand fashion, gluten/dairy free food, and travel YouTuber and content creator on Instagram and TikTok. And I LOVE IT!

What’s your relationship with clothes and what does fashion means to you?

I've been thrifting for as long as I can remember. When my mom and I moved to America when I was 8, we didn't have much money so anytime the shopping bug bit us we headed straight to the nearest thrift store! So because of that, in my younger years, thrifting was more because of frugalness and less about sustainability. But in college (2011-2015) my understanding of WHY I should thrift and stick to secondhand clothing became more clear - it was actually helping people and the earth! After that revelation I became obsessed with sustainable fashion. It's been a hard but fulfilling journey ever since. 

Fashion is first off FUN. Since I can't draw or paint to save my life, fashion and styling is the biggest way I display my creative mind. I try my hardest not to try too hard... if that makes sense. haha I want to dress in my own way mixed with the trends I actually admire. It should be FUN!

How would you describe your style?

Comfortable street style with colorful flair.


Any favourite items?

Oh! 100% my lucky blazer I thrifted in Bangkok in 2018. It has a million colors but in the most moody and classy vintage way. I've worn it to all my job interviews and I feel so powerful in it!

How would describe the fashion scene in Thailand?

It is CRAZYYYY. People here are insanely creative and talented and fearless when it comes to fashion. I love the fashion here so much and that is why I started my YouTube series "What Are People Wearing in Bangkok"! You gotta go check it out.

How would you describe the sustainability scene in Thailand, are people aware of environmental harm and what, according to you, is the stand point when it comes to textiles?

It's actually not very popular... but it's gaining more and more attention! Since Thailand is so known for the super cheap shopping and the insane amounts of Fast Fashion, it's pretty hard to look away and not be tempted to participate. However I've noticed that the younger generation (Gen Z) has been very influenced by the Western TikToks about Thrifting and Sustainable Fashion - which is great!! A resource that's been amazing to see here in Thailand is "Fashion Revolution Thailand" they're doing the hard work to get the world out and more and more people are listening.


What is a sustainable closet for you?

SECONDHAND FIRST! At this time in my life 'm not able to afford most of the sustainable fashion brands. So a very achievable way for me to have a sustainable closet is by only buying secondhand items. I've been working on this for a couple years and now I can say that 98% of my closet is secondhand!

Your best recommendations to create a more sustainable closet?

Be easy on yourself and give yourself grace in the process. Don't let the judgment of others keep you from taking one step at a time to a more sustainable closet! The easiest way to get started is by swapping your unworn clothes with some friends or by taking those items in your "H&M" cart and using them as inspiration at the thrift store first! You can do it! It really does make a difference in this world.

Thailand is a popular tourist destination, what can one do as a visit to support a more sustainable development?

Look up local brands and artists and support them! This is a great way to learn about the culture and also support a more sustainable development at the same time. And also, if you need more resources, feel free to DM me! 


