We want to enable others to change the world with style

What is Cornelia Sun and why did you start?

It all began back in 2014. My sister Julia and I sat in my apartment talking about passion and about things that make our hearts sing. Ever since we were young we have been sewing a lot of our own clothing using mum's old vintage scarves and up-cycled fabrics. Later on people started to ask us where we got it all from and this made us thinking about doing something more out of this handicraft. Non of us had any educational skills or practical experience from designing clothes, but somehow that did not stop us from trying. To be honest, we were never really into the latest trends or interested in fashion at all to be honest (still not). We just wanted to find out a way to let our creativity flow into a platform where our commitment to social good could grow and contribute somehow. In other words, all we ever wanted was to raise awareness about sustainability through our wardrobe and this way of thinking led us to our vision: we wanted to enable others to change the world with style. To make a long story short, we went for traveling and work in India and Nepal and suddenly it all made sense to us - we discovered all these amazing textilies known as tradtional saris and we were blown away by the beauty of the people who worn these. At the same time we knew that there are much to be done when it comes to women empowerment in this region of the world (and also back home). Today we only create our designs from up-cycled saris and we are committed to support our global sisterhood in different art and forms. We are also proud that all elements of our collective still is a reflection of the values we held years ago even though we learned so much about listening, re-learning and growing a long the way. Everything we decide to dive into is always deeply rooted in this message of togtherness. We look at each garment as a gift - from one sister to another.

 What is your sustainability profile?

We look at each garment as a gift - from one sister to another.

We are on a mission to restore the beauty of textiles that already exist and therefore all of our garments are made out of up-cycled fabric. These magical prints were previously were worn as traditional saris by women in Eastern Asia and they do all come with their special story to tell – just like you. By wearing these prints you are not only reconnected to Mama Earth, but also her people. Our vision is for you to feel that you make history together with your global sister by interlacing your stories. We would love for you to look at your garment as a canvas where the first chapter is written by your global sister where her memories and experiences lay within these threads. To us, it is a great honor to pay forward these spiritual messages embedded in each print and we hope you feel her magical vibration in each single step of the way. The Global Goals are fundamental in everything we do and serve as our guiding lines when we manifest our intentions for the future and to make sure that as less textile as possible goes to waste in our production we always strive to extract as much as we can from each design. From the left-over material we create fashionable men accessories, scrunchies, children wear and dog leashes. In this way we make it possible for everyone, to literally, walk the talk and take action through our wardrobe.

How are the products produced and how do you pick your collaborations?
We are dedicated to find beauty in ordinary things and reuse what has already been given to us. Kimonos and kaftans are our statement design and these pieces are often recognized as colorful with a bohemian flair and with touches of both elegance and playfulness. We made all our designs in a beautiful timeless look because we want you to be able to wear your garment all year round and to as many occasions as possible. The loose fit does not only make it more comfy to wear, but is also good for Mother Earth since you do not need to wash that often. We do not work with traditional collections based on trends because according to our zero waste philosophy kindness os always in season. Everything we offer is small scale but comes with great impact. When we first started Cornelia Sun my sister and I made all designs ourselves. In the beginning it all worked out fine, but since we grew a little bigger we needed a helping hand. Therefore, we traveled to Nepal where our up-cycled textillies first originated and this is where we found our co-workers whom we work with since that day. Our garments are still designed by us in Sweden but since 2014 proudly produced by small family-run businesses in Kathmandu, Nepal. We believe transparency is the first step to transform the fashion industry into a force of good and we’re dedicated to building long term, authentic relationships with our suppliers, and only work with factories that are committed to our ethical and sustainable values. My sister and I have visited our partner personally to make sure that our co-workers operate under both good economic and environmental conditions that correspond to our code of conduct. We have a partner in Nepal who travel around the country to collect vintage saris. These sacred fabrics are sold by women in Nepal and India and the reason why these women give there saris up is mostly because they feel ready to pay them forward.  It is with great honor and respect that we up-cycle traditional saris and we want to give back to the regions from where our textiles first originated. Therefore we have different ways of giving back, but one long-term collab is with a non-profit organization in Kathamndhu with the mission to support and empower young girls through education. 

What has been the major challenges?

Our garments are still designed by us in Sweden but since 2014 proudly produced by small family-run businesses in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Probably to reach out with our message since it is pretty difficult for a small brand to be seen among all these other giants out there. To us, it has always been important though to be true to ourselves and not push anything just because it needs to sell or based on money making. We still work with other things beside Cornelia Sun (Lisa with children's rights in social care and Julia with marketing) and this has actually made it a lot easier to deal with to us personally since we do not need to force anything. Our platform is allowed to grow organic and it is still as much fun as it was the day we founded this collective. Looking back we feel really proud of our journey and we look forward to see where our dreams take us. Next up is a physical concept studio in Dalarna (where Lisa live) where we planning on having work shops, yoga and gatherings which aligns with our vision. When you trust that there is light to be found you automatically attract back the vibe you send out. For sure we know challenges, but we decide to focus on what's working and manifest from that point of view. What you seek is seeking you, right? 

What has been the largest gains?


No doubt, the amazing things that have happen through out the support we have been able to give to our non-profit organization i Nepal. They have for example been able to pay school fees and provide teens with pads and hygiene products for a whole year. Children's lives can truly change thanks to the conscious choice we make by dressing up in sustainable fashion that covers more than environmental aspects and a fair production. Sharing is truly caring and by giving back we expand our hearts. These contributions truly make it clear to us that clothing can be more than just a way of getting dressed. We also gained a lot knowledge and joy from all the amazing people we met along the way during this journey. Such a blessing! I mean, this collective would still be the two of us if it wasn't for all of these beautiful changemakers that have supported this mission to wear the change. During the years we've been running this company we have gained a lot of help from friends, family but also people we don't know and it is so much fun to collaborate with genuine souls who share the same ideas about making this world a little bit more conscious, colorful and creative. No financial asspect in the world can beat that! 

Children’s lives can truly change thanks to the conscious choice we make by dressing up in sustainable fashion that covers more than environmental aspects and a fair production.

What do you think needs to change now in the fashion industry to make it more sustainable?
We believe in the good things coming and we entering a more conscious era of time, on every level in life. In just a few years we can see a lot happening, both among producers and consumers which we think is brilliant cus we need to work together to make a positive change for good. We are fans of the saying "reflection before perfection" and we do think that everybody can do something to be more conscious and responsible consumers. Choose well, buy less and make it last, is another way of putting it but we do not think it only lay in the hands of the individual. All brands need start walking their talk and take action for a more sustainable production, both when it comes to planet and people. More lending, sharing and up-cycling and less fast changing trends. Clothes speak and we need to start listening to their stories. 

Treat your clothes like the good friends they are.

What do you believe is “greenwashing” and what can producers and consumers do to avoid it?
Greenwashing can be when a company uses misleading or false claims to suggest it’s doing more for the environment than it actually is and probably the best way to find out if it is true or not is to ask questions. My sister and I personally love when people reach out to us asking cus we always get really enage sharing our story, but if you do this and get woolly answers it is probably something that is not 100% fine. So, yes, best advice is to stay curious, ask questions and get involve in movementa like which is really good at encourge both producers and consumers to take action towards a more sustainble tomorrow.  

What would you advice consumers to do who seeks to create a sustainable closet and lifestyle?

As a consumer, you do have the power to close the loop in fashion and it´s not that complicated as you might think. We´ll always ask you one basic question before you go ahead and make a purchase; do I really need this? And will I truly love this piece of art? If the answer is 'yes' – start look at your garment as your canvas, with a first chapter written already. The story ahead is yours to experience and why not make it into a life long story to share with your grandchildren? In other words, let love in and start to invite gratitude into your wardrobe. How we wash, dry and iron our clothes has a big impact on the environment. We also know that big change comes from small adjustments. It is better for the environment and will prolong the life of the garment. Repair and mending doesn´t mean we can´t afford to buy something new – it means we can´t afford something being thrown away. Use your creativity and give your garment some love if you find out it needs some extra care. Treat your clothes like the good friends they are. Because when clothing speaks, you start to listen ❤ 

More lending, sharing and up-cycling and less fast changing trends. Clothes speak and we need to start listening to their stories.

