Based in: Milan, Italy

Founded in: 2021

Founded by: Julia Villamonte and Monica Lichaytoo

Instagram: @anni__vintage

Stores: We are currently available on Instagram, shipping worldwide

Price range: 45 - 150 EUR


What is Anni Vintage and why did you start? 

 Anni means years in Italian and we wanted a name that had a certain connection to the idea of age. 

Studying architecture and design, we have always admired and taken inspiration from things from the past and it felt more special to continue that idea with jewelry as it’s something we both enjoy. The pieces bring about a bit of history and more character to our everyday lives.

In what ways do you work with sustainability?

One thing we are happy about is supporting other small businesses in Italy and another is that we only buy vintage pieces or second hand.


Where do you source the products from?

We source them from various small businesses around Italy.


Your best selling product category?

Necklaces, definitely!

Where do you find inspiration?

Julia: The streets of Milan -- people on the streets, old Milanese buildings' architecture and details  

Monica: Milan has definitely become one of our main inspirations! From old world interior details to the city's street styles.

What have been and are the major challenges?

Since we just started the business, we are generally still trying to figure things out and are constantly finding ways to develop the experience and to find even better merchandise. 


What has been and are the largest gain? 

The best part has been getting to rediscover parts of history through these pieces, interacting with other small businesses and exposing ourselves more with the vintage markets - which has been quite educational for us. 

What do you think needs to change in the fashion industry to make it more sustainable? 

A lot of projects have been developing in these last few years but the rise in popularity of second hand and vintage shopping has definitely contributed to the circular economy. One thing we would love to see more of is the re-purposing of materials such as dead-stock fabrics. 

What would you advise consumers to do who seek to create a sustainable closet and lifestyle?

Julia: I think doing more research would really help. Finding out where the pieces are coming from and how they are made. We have become so used to having everything so easy and so fast, most times we forget the consequences of this convenience but I think this is changing, albeit slowly.

Monica: Going back to basics by looking at what you already have and seeing what you really need. More often than not, we tend to buy things we end up not using so often. I try to approach sustainability as a habit that I slowly build up - from walking more, to producing less food waste and trash. All these things add up if we all do our part. 

Question to the founders: Do you have any advice for people who want to start their own business or get into the industry? 

Julia: Go for it! When we were starting we had a lot of questions and factors that needed to be considered and we are still figuring out most of them but we are not allowing them to stop us. It can get overwhelming but a lot of things you just figure out by doing.

Monica: Learning by doing is key. Be observant and ask a lot of questions. 

We don't have all the answers but we have a vision for the business and that is what keeps us going. 


