Based in: Hong Kong

Founded in: 2021

Founded by: Cindy Chui Merone

Instagram: @si_silk_officina


Offline Consignment 

- @STORiES (K11 MUSEA & LCX Store)

- @Bruneblondofficial

- @thechaless (coming soon)


- (coming soon)


- @aidosss

- @plantdays (coming soon)

- @verdecollaborative (coming soon)

 How would you describe Sī Silk Officina, and why did you start?

Sī Silk Officina intertwines the founder’s vision and the Italian influence from her husband, carrying Cantonese and Italian roots. The brand’s name is the transliteration of Silk (絲 /si1/), and also an Italian affirmative word for "YES”, and it’s the “WILL” to recapture the value from upcycled silks and create conscious timeless pieces. In the summer of 2020, I began to uncover the baffling mystery of balancing work and life in a face-paced industry. Seeing the amount of textile is routinely being incinerated or dumped in the fashion industry, I want to make a change. My love for vintage and silk prompts me to start up my own brand, Sī Silk Officina. We strive to empower the female body to flow fiercely and freely. 


What is your sustainable profile?

I saw an intense volume of textile waste in the fashion industry at a close distance. Been there, done that. Having seen it creates an urge in me to reduce clothing waste and its impact on our planet. Especially since I’ve started practicing slow living, I am all about living at a proper pace that aligns with my values, discovering the many creative and sustainable actions to blend into my daily life. 

 I have to put in extra effort to live sustainably in Hong Kong than I would in Europe. The majority of items placed in recycling bins in residential buildings are not being properly recycled. It took me a while to find a recyclable station which I can trust will not just dump the plastics in landfills. For garments I would definitely give away to people who would greatly appreciate it.


How are the products produced?

All products are currently produced locally in HK. We are doing our best to reduce the emission footprint. Every line of products is made at different local specialty workshops. At SSO, we go with the flow in silk — collections/ pieces are improvised out of the quantity and structure of the silk offcuts we receive. As the silks come in limited quantities, we only do small runs of each design, and once the design is sold out, we can never get the same silk fabric again. 


What have been and are the major challenges? 

Turning constraints into creativity. Garment making is a shrinking industry in Hongkong, finding highly skilful sewers was the biggest challenge. 

 What do you think needs to change in the fashion industry to make it more sustainable? 

Do Small is the New Big! Just #MakeChangeNOW #TakeConsciousAction. 


Even though it’s hard to choose, I’m sure you must have a favorite piece in your assortment? 

Si, definitely gonna be the Sī’me crown! When it comes to headpieces, I love to go big. Just let the beauty speak for itself.  It’s difficult to pick one from Sī Wardrobe Collection. Frankly speaking, I am so tempted to keep all of them for myself! My top pick has to be the alluring vintage-inspired “Mila Shirt.” Low profile but high impact.


What do you believe is “greenwashing” and what can producers and consumers do to avoid it? 

As a small-scale independent clothing brand, we don’t have the right resources to just pay any “entity” a premium to testify about our products. Alternatively, we are doing our best to keep our customers informed of our sourcing, development and production processes. Read the true story behind the brand! 

 What would you advise consumers to do who seek to create a sustainable closet and lifestyle? 

 Mind Practice

Invest pieces that you absolutely love. Go for Conscious Purchases VS Instant Purchase! Buy nice, or buy twice. 

Fabric Selection

Steer clear of polyester and acrylic. It is suffocating to both the environment and your skin. 

Let our planet breathe. Let your skin breathe. 


Is there anything else you’d like our readers and followers to know about you or Sī Silk Officina?

Overstock negatively impacts the planet. The amount of water, energy and resources used before and during manufacturing and transportation has an immense carbon footprint before reaching you.  Sī’s goal is to prevent overproduction. Our pre-order system allows you to decide which style we make and help us to avoid inventory. Unavoidably you need to wait longer to receive your garments, but the reward is immediate: the planet, our business, you and tomorrow’s generations. 

Thank you so much for having my brand and me on your platform. I’m sincerely grateful. Let’s go Stronger Together. Once again thank you for choosing Sī Silk Officina 


