The icon Jane Fonda stops buying new clothes
Photo: Vogue
Photo: Dailymail UK
The famous icon Jane Fonda has been in the spotlight lately, but not due to her career as an actress or fashion icon, rather by her activism on climate action. It’s not the first time she’s taking a stand for political or global issues, she already opposed Vietnam in the 70s. Now she’s holding “Fire Drill Friday” every Friday where protesters gather to call on urgent action on the climate crisis. She’s been leading it for a month and been arrested four times. According to Huffpost and other medias, the red coat she’s wearing will be the last thing she ever buys! She’s done with over-consumption and says that anyone that knows something about the climate crisis needs to do something!
Jane Fonda shows what fame can be used for and if she’s given up over-consumption - so can we!