Testing: Sustainable Sunglasses

As the world embraces sustainable choices in every aspect of life, sunglasses are no exception. Here, we put three eco-friendly sunglass brands to the test: Danish Ay Studios, Portuguese Joplins, and British Bird Eyewear. Discover why choosing sustainable sunglasses matters and how these brands are making a difference.


Why Choose Sustainable Sunglasses?

Sunglasses are not just a fashion accessory; they protect our eyes from harmful UV rays. However, conventional sunglasses often use non-renewable materials like plastic, which contributes to pollution and harms our environment. By choosing sustainable sunglasses, you support eco-friendly practices, reduce waste, and protect the planet while looking stylish. The best way would of course to aim for a high-quality vintage pair to make sure you’re eyes get the protection it needs, but these brands brings a more responsible alternative.


Picture: Source Ay Studios @alexlovesablog

Ay Studios:

Danish brand Ay Studios crafts sunglasses from plant-based acetate that combines cellulose protein from plants, seeds and wood fibres with a natural plasticiser. 90% of the material converts into natural gasses after only 115 days and the remaining share turns into water and biomass according to the UN-EN-ISO 14855-2: 2018 standard., significantly reducing their environmental footprint. Their frames are lightweight, durable, and available in various designs that cater to different fashion tastes. Ay Studios's commitment to sustainability extends to their packaging, which is entirely plastic-free and made from recycled leather. They also work with the “One product sold, one tree planted” model which is a great way to give back to Mother Earth. In our opinion, these sunglasses are luxurious, the quality is over the top and Ay Studios offers a wide range of styles, making them fit a big audience. 


Picture: Source Joplins 


Joplins, a Portuguese brand, creates eco-friendly sunglasses using materials such as recycled steel and bio-based acetate derived from cotton and wood fibers. Their frames are lightweight and hypoallergenic, ensuring comfort and style for all wearers. Joplins also plants a tree for every pair sold, helping to combat deforestation. Joplins offer a great selection of cool frames accompanied with a beautiful protective case made from cork, love it! The sunglasses are heavy (you can really feel the high quality) but they don’t feel heavy while wearing them. 


Bird Eyewear:

British brand Bird Eyewear focuses on creating sustainable sunglasses that don't compromise on style. Their frames are made from materials such as certified woods, bio-based acetate, and recycled aluminum. Bird Eyewear's innovative designs cater to both fashion-forward individuals and those seeking classic styles.


Sustainable sunglasses offer a stylish and responsible alternative to conventional eyewear. By choosing brands like Ay Studios, Joplins, and Bird Eyewear, you can protect your eyes while minimizing your environmental impact and supporting eco-friendly practices.


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