Sustainable Fashion Week in Sweden 11-17 October

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Did you know that Sweden has it’s own Sustainable Fashion Show? That it is not located in Stockholm, rather in Östersund and that it doesn’t include any hysterical shows of new trends rather creative styling based on pre-loved clothes? That the focus is the material and the creative part rather than the brands and their profits?

If you’re one of the lucky ones going to Östersund you will be able to join several creative workshops, personal shopping and the Saturday night big fashion show (which we loved when we were there last year). But you can also watch several seminars online! So check out the Program and book time for some fashion inspiration in your calendar this upcoming week!

One of the seminars you don’t want t miss is the one with us! On Wednesday the 13th 12.00 (GMT+2) we’re sending Live from Instagram with the people behind Sustainable Fashion Week! 100 voices and the trends ahead are about all the people we have interviewed along the way, the fashion lovers, stylists, designers, consumers, innovators, businesses people and so on. We are going to summarise some of the most important insights but also the changes and trends of our sustainable closets.

We also took the opportunity for the founders themselves to tell us more about Sustainable Fashion Week:

Why and when did you start Sustainable Fashion Week?

We started Sustainable Fashion Week in 2019 as a collaboration with project managers Lisbet Mellgren and Camilla Forsgren as a creative project that quickly grew into an organisation. Last year project manager Belinda Enryd Karlsson joined our team! Now we're onto our third year and we love working with and growing our non-profit because all three of us are passionate about sustainability and being able to change the fashion industry from fast to slow, focusing on second hand, remake and handmade.

What can people expect from this years Fashion Week (is it all in Swedish)?

This year the week will focus all on outdoor fashion as it's "Friluftslivets År" or the "Year of outdoor" in Sweden! We're excited to have lots of guest lectures and workshops from the outdoor industry on how they work with sustainability and to combine that with our slow fashionista influencers such as Johanna Leymann, Johanna Thofelt, Theresa Axo and of course A Sustainable Closet. It feels like a great mix between fashion and outdoor this year.

How ca I participate (online/offline)?

You can participate in all events for free and most are available digitally! You can also come to the live events in Östersund.The majority are held in Swedish, but everyone is welcome. You can find the program at

Any highlights or recommendations we shouldn’t miss?

We are so excited about the Monday lecture with Fair Action and Johanna Leymann focusing on the leather industry and of course the big day- Saturday where we have a Friluftsby / Outdoor village at Jamtli Nationalmuseum with a friluftsloppis, workshops, lectures and lots more!

Our founder Sophie Gripenberg at Sustainable Fashion Week in 2020
Lotta and Sophie holding a presentation about our future closets, Sustianable Fashion Week 2020

Lotta and Sophie holding a presentation about our future closets, Sustainable Fashion Week 2020

One of our Change Makers; Iris Farah before the fashion show in 2020

One of our Change Makers; Iris Farah before the fashion show in 2020


What is Fashion Revolution and how can you support the textile workers?


Material Guide: Wine Leather