What is Fashion Revolution Week and how can you join?

Have you ever heard of Fashion Revolution Week? It is initiated by the non-profit organisation Fashion Revolution that was founded in 2013 in the wake of the Rana Plaza disaster. The Rana Plaze building, holding five garment companies, collapsed and killed over 1100 people. This despite that warnings had been given regarding the condition of the building. The tragedy awoke the world to the poor labour conditions of textile workers and Fashion Revolution was founded to call for a fair, transparent, safe and clean fashion industry. Fashion Revolution Week gathers activist, change makers and people leading the change in the industry in call for action. This year theme is about Money Fashion and Power, especially focusing on how flawed the store prices are where the low costs of fast fashion normally is paid by lack of social protection, labor rights and living wages among the workers. The campaign is famous for its “Who made my clothes” question anyone can ask any given brand to call for increased transparency.


Join our Instagram Live about Living Wages - what is it and what do you need to know?

We are going to talk to Pukhraj Ranjan who is the founder of Moi Namaste. Moi Namaste works with artistans in India with the purpose to provide fair and dignified livelihood opportunities for artists. Thursday the 21 April 4pm Stockholm time on our Instagram - see you there! Add it to your Facebook calendar!

Here’s the campaigners own message:

Campaign statement

The mainstream fashion industry is built upon the exploitation of labour and natural resources. Wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of a few, and growth and profit are rewarded above all else. Big brands and retailers produce too much too fast, and manipulate us into a toxic cycle of overconsumption. Meanwhile, the majority of people that make our clothes are not paid enough to meet their basic needs, and already feel the impacts of the climate crisis - which the fashion industry fuels. As global citizens, we all have the power to take action. This Fashion Revolution Week, join us in reimagining a just and equitable fashion system for people and the planet.

Campaign explainer

There is no sustainable fashion without fair pay. Throughout the pandemic, fashion brands have made billions, while the majority of workers in their supply chains remain trapped in poverty. To address this, we are calling for new laws that require businesses to conduct due diligence on living wages. This will transform the lives and livelihoods of the people that make our clothes, and help redistribute money and power in the global fashion industry.

We know that both people and nature are paying the price of the fashion industry’s unregulated exploitation and waste. Brands are avoiding the realities of climate breakdown by continuing to pursue extractive business models and greenwashing their way to sustainability. In 2022, we need brands to radically reduce their environmental impact by shifting their focus away from growth. Small businesses and independent creatives around the world are already enacting these ideals; their courage and wisdom will lead the charge.

Currently, there is a lack of understanding and appreciation of the true cost of clothing. Price tags fail to reflect the social and environmental cost of production, while as consumers, we don’t always care for our clothes in the way we should. We need to scrutinise what it is we’re really paying for. Throughout Fashion Revolution Week, we’ll educate and inspire our global community on the real value of what we buy and wear. 

Now is the time to rise up together for a regenerative, restorative and revolutionary new fashion system. Now is the time for a Fashion Revolution.

Here is how you can join:


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