Slow living behind slow fashion


This week I started with my interview series, about inspiring people and brands, and I’m so excited to publish and share them with you guys next week. During one of my interviews we started to reflect upon what clothes really are and what they mean to us? Why do we consume the way we do? Clothes has the last few decades in Sweden become cheaper and as a result has fashion become more accessible. At the same time it feels like everything is happening at such a great speed in today’s society, not only fashion brands launching weekly new collections but the goals we set at work and in our private lives has to be reached within a shorter time period. Do we even notice what we wear and how we feel about it? Do we even notice who we are and how we want to dress? Maybe the problem with our overconsumption of clothes have not only to do with the fact that they’re cheap, maybe we don’t have time to explore our needs or our desires and therefore we let the fast fashion industry do it for us?

In a world so hectic we can asks ourselves what truly lasts? Maybe high quality clothes we really look after do (for a century or so), while cheap clothes are left at landfills, for heating our homes or in the best case their fibre is somehow reused.. but we, as humans, won’t. Maybe the problem with our overconsumption doesn’t necessarily has to do so much with high quality or low quality, cheap or expensive.. rather we just need to take it slow.

Only from slow living can slow fashion emerge and the first thing you should do is to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, how do I live? How do I feel? Be honest and sincere. You only got you, right here and right now.


My closet misstake


When fire hoses becomes hot luxury bags