How can we keep the supply chain more transparent with Rootip

Can you please tell us more about Rootip and in what ways you help fashion brands to tell their stories?

Sustainable and ethical brands have gone an extra mile to secure a more sustainable and ethical value chain for their products. However their stories, which are their competitive edge, are buried under various pages in their website. When a customer lands on a product page they have no visibility into that. We enable these businesses to map their supply chain and communicate their product stories that matter to their customers on the product pages where it matters.

Retail space is even worst, customers have no visibility into how the product has been made, who has made it, where was it produced, what are the social and environmental impact of the product. So Rootip provides QR codes that enables a direct link to the stories of the product which enables customers to make a more informed decision.


A part of your work is related to telling stories about the supply chain, in what ways do you help brands to do that?

1- We have 17 different “chapters” which are essentially story categories so a brand can talk about “people”, “material” and “process” all the way to “environmental impact”, “social impact” and "UN SDGs” .

2- We have a map capability which enables a brand to map out their supply chain and visually show customers where the product is produced and what are the different tiers in their value chain around the globe or locally.

3- We have developed a proprietary algorithm that looks at the transparency information that has been presented by the brand and gives them a transparency score and a rating based on comparing their level of transparency information with other brands on the Rootip platform. This is a dynamic rating which encourages brands to constantly increase their transparency in order to keep their rating.

Here is an example on our website showcasing a sustainable and ethical brand from Bali.


In what ways does your work makes the world a more sustainable place?

We believe there is something wrong with the way that our world is set up. A dead tree is worth more than an alive tree, that says a lot about our society and how it functions. Our vision is to change the world and create a more transparent society in which there is a lot less opportunity for businesses to exploit both people and the environment. We want a world that transparency demands are a given consumer behaviour.

United Nations saw how impactful our platform could be for UN Sustainable Development Goals and the organisational alignment so they pick us as their partner last year. We are very proud of that.

If someone is interested in your services what should they do?

Brands could contact us to get a free demo and a consultation session. If you are a consumer then please contact the businesses you love buying from and ask them to be more transparent. You could suggest Rootip or other transparency tools to help them be a more transparent business. Changing the world is not an easy task so we need all of us to come together and collaborate to make this vision happen. Let’s change the world together.


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