Circular design toolkit - now available for everyone

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Did you know that 80% of all material flows that are produced are destined for landfill, incineration or even leaked to natural environments? It is called the “take-make-waste” model, not at least within fashion. To help companies to transit to a circular economy Ellen MacArthur Foundation has launched a Circular Design Toolkit with recourses to learn, apply and contribute to a circular thinking in the design processes. In the toolkit you can find videos with designers applying a circular thinking, cases in different industries and among different products but also several workshops and materials to actually start practicing a new way of thinking.

I personally love they got online trainings (MOOC) and a reuse book that provides you new perspectives on how to expand the life of any product. The toolkit also guides you to several networks and opportunities to engaged with similar minded people seeking a paradigm shift for design.

This toolkit is very much welcomed and when will it be mandatory read for students of fashion design?


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