9 tricks to create your dream closet without wasting money
Photo by Sonia Sanmartin on Unsplash
Many of us might have a certain idea of how we want to dress, look and feel. Maybe we are not sure over what we like to wear but we do know we want to feel comfortable. Maybe some of you have a clear vision of what you dream closet would look like? We believe that getting close to your dream closet is possible without causing harm to people and the planet. The reason why is simple, there is just such an oversupply of beautiful items on the second hand market waiting to find a new owner. Unfortunately the demand of second hand items is not as high as the supply.
But how to do this without it being expensive or taking too much time? Well we want to give you a few recommendations and maybe a new perspective on how to think about your closet related to its value. One of the first steps is to know yourself and your style better. Sometimes a dream closet might be far fram the reality you need and would feel comfortable in. Ways to figure out what a good closet for you would be is to ask yourself what your favorite items are and why? Do they have a certain material, fit or colour? This can help you to understand what you truly like. Another way would be to investigate what you actually do during the days and what you need clothes for, is it meetings? Sports? Time in the couch? Remember, there are no rules of what to wear when, it is all about what you feel comfortable in wearing during your daily activities.
That being said, these recommendations will help you to save money while working your way to a closet that truly suits you!
Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash
Don’t follow trends
This one might be obvious for environmentally reasons because trends normally create a “must-have” feeling. There are a lot of money behind the commercials and they try to convince you that you will feel much better as soon as you have the latest trends for this season, but what normally happens is that you feel uncomfortable in the same clothes as you soon they are not trendy any more. Trends are a bad investment.
2. Play with accessories
We sometimes think that outfits are all about wearing new combination of clothes, but you can wear the same clothes and play with accessories. A hat and some sunglasses can truly change an outfit! Colorful makeup, big necklaces and a different hairstyle can turn your daily clothes into your party outfit. Fun accessories can be found cheap on second hand.
3. Learn how to sew
You don’t have to learn how make your own dress, but just being able to mend your favorite items so they last longer truly helps you to keep clothes in your closet you love to wear.
4. Take care of your clothes
When we have clothes we love and when we have made those purchases, how we laundry and store them could be night and day for how long they will stay in your closet. It also saves money to make sure those jeans you love do not shrink. Buying new clothes just because you did a mistake can easily be avoided and the money that would replace damaged items could be used for something better!
5. Swap for special occasions
You dream closet doesn’t have to be items you personally own. It can also be a destination for clothes your borrow from a rental platform or your friends. Maybe your clothes are visiting someone else closet? A dream closet can be an exchangeable closet without spending any money.
6. Go second hand
You can definitely spice up your closet very cheap by just looking at the second hand market. Jackets, blazers, bags and so many other things can be found for you to either play in (you use it for some time until you pass it on) or invest in (you’re planning to keep it for many years). The supply on second hand is huge you just need to find the stores that suits you, online or offline.
7. Know your basics to make your closet remixable
Sometimes we might lack a few clothes to make the rest of our closet more usable. It can be anything from simple basics (like a black T-shirt) or a key item that suits your style, such as a blazer you can wear over several of your blouses. Try to combine outfits and notice the items that doesn’t have many combinations, ask yourself if there is any item that might be the magical key item for you to wear all of them more?
8. Buy slowly and keep your goals in mind
The reason why we sometimes feel like we have nothing to wear, despite spending a lot of money on our clothes, are due to our impulses. We buy things we haven’t truly considered if we need. We might hunt for that “kick” instead of thinking about if this is something that is truly worth our money? If you get “a want”, stay with it for some time. Let it zink in. Let it be there as an idea, maybe for weeks and see if the desire passes or if it’s still there? Before purchasing ask yourself if this item truly fits with your idea of what kind of closet you want and need? How long will the item be interesting and what is the lifespan of it? If you want to buy just to try something new, well, go for second hand or borrow from a friend. But even a lot of second hand shopping can lead to an unsustainable situation for you, you might still wake up feeling like you got nothing ot wear, if you buy a lot in impulses.
9. When you buy new, calculate the “cost per wear”
Sometimes we miscalculate what something is worth. For example, you buy three dresses from a fast fashion brand for the summer, the cost is only 35 euros and you are very happy about the cheap price. One of the dresses you wear ten times that summer, the other one you use for five times and the third one you only wear once. You realise that the package of dresses wasn’t that good after all because it was actually only one dress that you somehow worn more or less. The first dress cost you more than 1 euro per wear, the second 2.33 euros and the last one cost you more than 11 euros. Compare it to a winter-jacket. The winter-jacket costs 250 euros, expensive you think. But it has good quality, a timeless design and you end up wearing this jacket at least 100 days per year during the cold winter. Just for one year the cost per wear is 2.5 euros and if you wear it for three years it is less than 1 euro per wear. Cheaper than the dress if you calculate the cost per wear! Figure out what has been a good investment for you, what is the cost per wear for some of your clothes?
We hope these recommendations will help you on your journey! And why not sharing them with a friend and discuss together? What are your challenges and what are your opportunities? Enjoy the journey and remember to have fun along the way!