Jeans Redesign Guideliens - to make sure jeans never becomes waste

A lot of the clothes produced and used today end up in landfills. To produce jeans requires plenty of resources such as water, energy and chemicals, having damaging effects on the local environment and on the environment where they are being used. According to The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, we’re talking about at least 7000 liters of water per jeans!

It’s evident we need to transform fashion towards a circular one which requires new ways to create and make clothes, so they last long and can be reused, remade and recycled again and again.

Over sixty leading brands, manufacturers, and fabric mills are using the Jeans Redesign Guidelines to produce jeans that will be available on the market by May 2021.

The guidelines have been developed by 60 denim expert by Ellen MacArthur Foundation and they seek to assist companies with durability, traceability, health, recyclability and so on.

Among the participants you have companies such as Lee, Wrangler and H&M. Imagine what a difference it would make if all companies applied the guidelines on all of their denim production?

We hope so.


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